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Pokemon Scarlet

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Sceptile Tera Raid Battle

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet just revealed their latest Tera Raid Battle event, and this time around, Sceptile will be the featured creature.

Players will be able to encounter Sceptile, who’s carrying the Dragon Tera Type, in 7 Star Raids. It will carry the Mightiest Mark per usual.

7 Star Emboar guide Pokemon Scarlet Violet

The 7 Star Emboar Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is now live, and we have a guide for it ready to go. For this event, Emboar is running Tera Electric, so it’s only weak to Ground-type attacks. The first wave of the event ends on June 16, but it comes back from June 21 to June 23 – this should give you plenty of time to prepare a counter as per one of our recommendations.

Emboar Tera Raid Pokemon Scarlet Violet

There’s yet another special Tera Raid Battle event on the way for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, this time featuring Emboar.

Emboar won’t be easy to take down as it will appear in 7 Star Raids. It’s carrying the Emboar Tera Type and as usual, comes with the Mightiest Mark. Just like we’ve seen before, you can catch it just once per save file.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Outbreak Shiny Hunting

Every once in a while, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will host limited-time outbreak events that focus on specific Pokemon spawning around Paldea, Kitakami, and the Terarium. At the time of writing, there is a specific outbreak hunting event including Water-types like Horsea, Finizen, and more. Our shiny sandwich guide for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet does outline the basics of outbreak shiny hunting, but today we’re here to go a bit more in-depth and describe everything you need to know about one of the absolute easiest shiny hunting methods in any Pokemon game.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet best characters survey

This month’s issue of Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream contains the results of a popularity survey for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, with fans asked to vote on their favorite characters. We have the results for the top twenty.

74.7 percent of voters were actually female, 19.9 percent were male, and 5.4 identified as other. Those between the ages of 26 to 30 percent made up 23.3 of voters, followed by 21 to 25 at 20.9 percent, 31 to 35 at 19.8 percent, 16 to 20 at 17 percent, 15 and below at 11.4 percent, and 7.6 percent other.

7 star swampert pokemon scarlet violet guide

The 7 Star Swampert Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is live now, and we have a guide ready to go. For this event, Swampert is running Tera Poison, meaning it’s weak to Ground- and Psychic-type attacks and not much else. The event runs from May 31 to June 2, and then it comes back between June 7 and June 9. We’ve gathered up a few counters you can prepare for this event here.

Swampert Tera Raid Battle Pokemon Scarlet Violet

Swampert will be featured in the next major Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, it’s been announced.

Swampert will be popping up in 7 Star Raids during the event period. It’ll come with the Poison Tera Type and the Mightiest Mark. Similar to past events, you can catch it just once per save file.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Sandy Shocks Iron Thorns Tera Raid

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet are planning another Tera Raid Battle event with Sandy Shocks and Iron Thorns. The creature you’ll encounter depends on the version you’re playing.

In Pokemon Scarlet, Sandy Shocks will be appearing. Pokemon Violet players can take on Iron Thorns. Both will be showing up in 5 Star Raids with different Tera Types. 

If you’re interested in adding a Quaxly to your team in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet based on Dot’s appearance in the anime, that’s now possible with a new distribution.

The Quaxly being distributed here follows on from Liko’s Sprigatito, and will come with a Classic Ribbon and Partner Ribbon. It will be at Level 5 with the moves Pound and Water Gun, and a Water Tera Type.

You can take advantage of today’s distribution with the steps we’ve outlined below. 

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet 7 Star Primarina Guide

The 7 Star Primarina Tera Raid Battle event for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is now live, and we’ve put together a guide explaining the best counters you can bring to take it down and claim its rewards for yourself. 

The new 7 Star Primarina event lasts until May 12, and it comes back from May 17 to 19. Primarina’s Tera Type is Fairy, and it knows Sparkling Aria, Moonblast, Psychic, and Sing. It also knows Encore and Surf as secondary moves. This Pokemon doesn’t actually boost its stats for this battle, but it does have some rather annoying status moves that we’ve prepared for. This is one of the easier 7 Star Tera Raid Battles, but you should still get ready as best you can.

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