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Virtual Console

Wii U eShop

Two new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun and Mario Open Golf will be out on January 15. Pricing is set at 500 yen each.


Two new games have been confirmed for the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console. Front Line (Famicom), Shining Force: Final Conflict (Game Gear) will be out on January 15. Pricing is set at 500 yen each.


One new game has been confirmed for the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console. Ganbare Goemon 2 will be out on January 8. Pricing is set at 500 yen.


Contra III: The Alien Wars landed on the North American Wii U eShop in late November. It hasn’t made its way to Europe just yet, but it should be coming soon. Contra III is listed as an upcoming titles on Nintendo UK’s site (as TBD) so expect to see it in the near future.

Source, Via

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U VC

Mega Man X2 – $7.99

3DS Demo

Bravely Default

These are the only downloads confirmed for North America at this time. If Nintendo announces additional titles, we’ll update this post.

Source: Nintendo PR

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