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Assassin’s Creed III is significant for a number of reasons. It’s by far the biggest entry in the series, and it’ll be making its first appearance on a Nintendo home console.

Creative director Alex Hutchison discussed how the Wii U GamePad will enhance gameplay in an interview with ONM.

Hutchison first talked about the benefits of having a large map available at all times:

“Assassin’s Creed 3 is obviously an open world game and we’re dealing with huge expanses. It’s by far the biggest Assassin’s Creed we’ve built to date so having a map – a larger map – at your disposal at all times is a big win. It allows you to plan your navigation, see when enemies are nearby so the bigger the map, the better in our universe.”

And about fight scenes…

“During combat on the Wii U, you have always have access to all your other tools and weapons on the controller itself. So at any point you can very easily switch between your tomahawk and knife or hidden blades and sword without going into a menu.

“We have a new move called the running assassination. You can imagine charging into combat, taking out your first enemy, immediately killing a second with your tomahawk and knife, using a pistol to shoot a third and then switching using the controller to a smoke bomb to affect your escape.”


Can you believe that Pikmin 3 made its debut over ten years ago? It’s even tougher to believe that more than eight years have passed since its sequel was made for the GameCube.

Yesterday we heard from Shigeru Miyamoto that Nintendo’s experiments on a variety of platforms – including the 3DS – contributed to Pikmin 3’s lengthy development. Miyamoto has additionally said that the team was considering what an actual Pikmin title should be like.

Miyamoto stated:

The latest Nintendo Gamer review scores are as follows, which includes a verdict for Heroes of Ruin:

Back to the Future: The Game (Wii) – 50%
Battleship (3DS) – 50%
Battleship (DS) – 40%
Bird Mania 3D (3DS eShop) – 70%
Enclave: Shadows of Twilight (Wii) – 15%
Game & Watch Gallery 2 (3DS VC) – 48%
Girls RPG (3DS) – 25%
Heroes of Ruin (3DS) – 80%
Inchworm Animation (DSiWare) – 80%
Joan Jade and the Gates of Xibalba (DS) – 45%
Kirby’s Dream Land 2 (3DS VC) – 83%
Monster World IV (Wii VC) – 80%
Project Zero 2: Wii Edition (Wii) – 89%
Rayman Origins (3DS) – 80%
Sonic Labyrinth (3DS VC) – 31%
Summer Challenge Athletics Tournament (Wii) – 54%
Summer Stars (Wii) – 55%
Shifting World (3DS) – 52%
VVVVVV (3DS eShop) – 90%
Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Wii VC) – 54%

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Go! Go! Kokopolo could be getting a sequel on the 3DS eShop. The game’s creator, Keith Webb, seems to have significant interest in making a followup.

Webb is currently gauging interest for a possible sequel. The new title would feature new bosses, levels, and more.

It also sounds like the game would be available for a lower price than its predecessor. Go! Go! Kokopolo can be purchased through DSiWare for 800 points ($8).


Bit.Trip Presents Runner 2 was finally confirmed for Wii U last week following several teases and hints. As a result, Gaijin Games’ Alex Neuse is now able to discuss the version for Nintendo’s new console.

Neuse first commented on how the controller can be used in the game:

“For Runner2, we’re thinking about how we can use the controller as an alternate world. For instance, what if CommanderVideo got warped down to the controller and had to do stuff different to what’s going on in the main game. It’s turning into a new canvas to paint on.”

Runner 2 probably won’t be the only Wii U title from Gaijin Games. Neuse has a number of ideas for the console/controller, some of which were shared in an interview with ONM:

“I’m imagining a game in which two players play co-op, with one using the Wii U controller and the other using a standard Wii Remote. What if the person with the Wii U controller could help the other person with the Wii U controller could help the other player out using, say, surveillance cameras, a bit like Theora Jones with Edison Carter [from Max Headroom].”


Kirby’s Dream Collection Special Edition isn’t just a simple game package. In addition to the six games mentioned earlier today, Nintendo is including other content.

Players will find an on-disc calender featuring a look back at the series. A special booklet and soundtrack will be included as extra goodies.

We’re waiting on pricing information at the moment, but it could be around $30. Super Mario All-Stars Limited Edition launched at that very price back in 2010.

Source, Via

Zelda 3DS isn’t as far along as we originally thought. That’s because Nintendo is still considering what path to take for the game.

Right now there are discussions taking place as to whether the next Zelda will focus on A Link to the Past or Majora’s Mask, the latter of which would be a remake.

Shigeru Miyamoto recently revealed:

“We haven’t quite decided yet, whether we’re going to do A Link to the Past, because there’s also the possibility of doing a remake of Majora’s Mask. This is something we’ve certainly been talking about and doing a little bit of experimenting with, to figure out which way we’re going to go.”

Additionally, Miyamoto commented on how the 3DS and Wii U provide “lots of good opportunities in terms of thinking about which Zelda game is going to be best for which purpose.”

“We have so many goals right now. We’re always looking at expanding our audience and giving people the opportunity to get their hands on 3DS and see what kind of fun gaming experiences they can have. And now, we’re also tasked with pushing the Wii U. So we have lots of good opportunities in terms of thinking about which Zelda game is going to be best for which purpose.”

We’ll have to wait “just a little while longer” for specific information about Zelda 3DS. Hopefully something will be ready for next year’s E3.


Famitsu is up to its usual teasing antics. The latest magazine, which has started to leak out, states that the publication will have a scoop on an unknown title for its next issue.

Unlike previous teases, Famitsu didn’t provide any clues beyond this. There’s no word on the game’s publisher or platform(s).

The next Famitsu will be available on June 21. However, the first information should be available on Tuesday through traditional leaks.

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