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As reconfirmed on the latest Nintendo Direct, Fire Emblem: Awakening will be heading to North America and Europe. The localized version of the game will launch in both territories next year. Downloadable content will be available following release.

Nintendo has detailed the battery life of the 3DS XL, which seems to be a modest improvement.

The system will last 3.5 – 6.5 hours playing 3DS titles. While playing DS games, the battery will continue on for 6 – 10 hours.

These levels will vary based on Wi-Fi and brightness settings. It’ll take 3.5 hours for a complete charge.

To compare, the original 3DS battery is estimated at 3 – 5 hours for 3DS titles. Its expected life for DS titles is 5 – 8 hours.

North American 3DS owners can download a demo for Kingdom Hearts 3D from the eShop right now. It’s free, so you might as well!

The demo takes up 746 blocks on an SD card.

Nice to know that Nintendo of America hasn’t given up on the 3DS VC service yet!

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