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First Kiki Trick footage

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

This should begin in ten minutes or so. We’ll post any translated information and media that comes in. As I said before, I wouldn’t expect any significant news. Still, we’ll get some new footage of upcoming games at the very least. Should be a fun time!

Media Create hardware totals for the month of November are now available. The figures are based on data collected from October 31 to November 27.

3DS – 466,372
PS3 – 124,985
PSP – 124,660
Wii – 57,268
DSi LL – 7,842
Xbox 360 – 7,230
PS2 – 5,336
DSi – 3,856
DS Lite – 119

The second pre-recorded Nintendo Direct presentation will kick off in six hours. We’ll post the live stream right here on the main site once it begins. I wouldn’t expect any huge announcements or anything, though we’ll likely hear more about Kid Icarus: Uprising, Fire Emblem 3DS, Tekken 3D: Prime Edition, and other 3DS/Wii titles coming out through March 2012.

By selling over four million units in Japan, the 3DS has beaten out the GameCube’s lifetime sales. The 3DS stands at 4,135,739 units sold while the GameCube moved 4,040,000 units.

The 3DS reached the four million units sold mark at a much, much quicker pace than the GameCube. Nintendo’s latest handheld has only been out for a few months, yet has already reached the milestone.


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