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Somewhat similar to what the DSi offers, the 3DS’ camera capabilities allows you to merge faces of two different people. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto demonstrated this a few months ago.

Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime will be appearing on tonight’s episode of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, so Joystiq took it upon themselves to merge both of their faces in a couple of photos. You can check out the results above, and make sure to tune in to the show at 12:35 AM EDT.

This information comes from Ignition Entertainment’s Shane Bettenhausen…

“Yeah, we were talking about that at E3 before. I agree with a lot of the concerns you have with the voices in Arc Rise [Fantasia]. I’m not happy with how it turned out and we will definitely not use that localization company for any voices in the future.”

Usually I’m able to listen to the voices in video game without any sort of issue. I even kept the voiceovers on in Baten Kaitos, which most people couldn’t tolerate. With Arc Rise Fantasia, though, I was forced to turn them off right away. I was honestly surprised by how terrible the voice cast was…


Steel Diver trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

It’s been over twenty years since River City Ransom was released. This summer, the title will finally be getting a sequel. Miracle Kidz revealed today that they are working on River City Ransom 2 for WiiWare as well as for the PC. No word yet on any localization plans, but I think we’ll see the game in North America and Europe eventually.


Chrono Trigger (Square Enix, Super Famicom, 900 WiiPoints)
Mega Man X (Capcom, Super Famicom, 800 WiiPoints)
King of the Monsters 2 (D4 Enterprise, Neo Geo, 900 WiiPoints)

Not a bad lineup for April… I’d like to see Chrono Trigger real soon in the states as well.


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