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This information comes from Mario Kart 3D producer Hideki Konno…

“…our goal right now is to have the same number of players for both local wireless and multiplayer over wi-fi.”

Eight players is fine with me! Mario Kart Wii did offer a few extra racers, but I really have no problem with eight racers. As long as all of the tracks are available (remember some of the DS tracks were randomly left out online?), I won’t mind.


Nintendo has released a 3D movie trailer for the upcoming release of Green Lantern. I have to admit that it’s a bit of a pain to watch since you have to download the video to the system menu. Since it’s free, though, it’s tough to complain!

Shield Pose video

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

In case you’ve forgotten, this is one of Renegade Kid’s 3DS titles. And speaking of Renegade Kid, Austin had a chance to play Mutant Mudds at E3, so hopefully he can post up some impressions for you guys soon!


This information comes from Valhalla Games’ Tomonobu Itagaki…

“There’s always a possibility. If Nintendo’s fan base increases, especially in terms of hardcore games, then yes. Machine performance-wise, it can handle it.”

According to THQ, Valhalla Games is one of a few THQ studios investigating the Wii U hardware currently. These developers are looking to see which experiences are a good fit for the platform.


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