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Pokémon Global Link Extends Game Play Experience Online and Gives Trainers

New Ways to Communicate, Interact with Pokémon, and Earn Worldwide Ratings

BELLEVUE, WA – January 27th, 2011 – Players of Pokémon™ video games have always enjoyed communicating with others, and the newest Pokémon titles launching March 6th-Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version- will make it even easier to interact with fellow Pokémon Trainers from all over the world! The Pokémon Global Link web site, launching this spring after the new Pokémon video games hit shelves, will give players the ability to sync their game play from their Nintendo DS™ systems to PCs via the Internet, and access customizable web-only content, befriend additional Pokémon, communicate with fellow Pokémon Trainers, earn and view Worldwide Battle Ratings, and more. Pokémon Global Link offers a seamless play experience across both platforms-activities players do online will be reflected in their Nintendo DS games. Players will log onto Pokémon Global Link using their Pokémon Trainer Club accounts, which can be easily obtained for free at

Pokémon Global Link features three main components that enhance the Pokémon video game experience online. The Pokémon Dream World features all-new ways to interact with Pokémon in a customizable web-only setting, featuring mini games and scenarios that enable Pokémon and items to be transferred back into the Pokémon Black Version or Pokémon White Version video game. The Global Battle Union allows players to keep track of their battle record against other players around the world and provides players a Worldwide Rating and an opportunity to compete in live events. Pokémon Global Link will also house the Pokémon Global Trade Station, launching later this year, giving players the ability to track Pokémon trades all over the world.

“Nintendo has always been at the forefront of active gaming. Getting up, moving around. Obviously the Wii launched that. As you touched on, we’ve also done it with a number of handheld games. We had a game called Personal Training Walking that leveraged a pedometer. And obviously the most recent two Pokemon games leveraged a similar type of system. What [the Game Coins feature] does, it’s just another reason to encourage people to get up and walk around. Why? Because we want them to be carrying their Nintendo 3DS, going through Street Pass, Spot Pass types of activity. That’s how it all ties together.”

I have to admit that Game Coins is an interesting feature. I tend to carry my DS around in any case though, and I expect I’ll do the same with the 3DS.



Around the world
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Hints of Conduit on 3DS

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Skip to around 30:50 to hear some talk (well, hints…) about Conduit heading to the 3DS. High Voltage has previously expressed interest in the system, so it can definitely happened. Nothing confirmed just yet, though.


1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
2. de Blob 2
3. LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean
4. Conduit 2
5. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars


1. Pokemon Black/White
2. Okamiden
3. Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie
4. Monster Tale
5. de Blob 2


1. Paper Mario
2. Mario Kart
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
4. Kid Icarus: Uprising
5. Star Fox 64 3D

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