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I suppose we’ll call this game Rodea: The Sky Soldier from here on out, as it looks like the game will be localized in North America.


This information comes from Nintendo UK’s David Yarnton…

“We’ve still got to nail down the exact titles, because one of the big things when we look at a global launch – all of the markets in the space of four weeks – is trying to get a whole range of titles ready for launch. So we’re pretty close. In the next week or so we’ll be able to say ‘these are the exact launch titles’. We’re close but not quite ready to get exact titles. It’s a combination of looking at third-party as well. We’re launching with more titles than we probably ever have and it’s a matter of trying to get that breadth but also being fair to everyone.”

This entire situation with launch games has been rather strange. I just don’t know why everything hasn’t been figured out at this point!


The Last Story details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

– Game’s main menu image is based on story progression
– One of these images is of a star-gazing tower
– Sakaguchi believes it will be easy to progress in story mode due to hint characters
– The hint characters provide clues as to what to do next
– Quests must be found, but it isn’t difficult to do so
– Party members that tag along with you can’t be selected during the game’s main story, but you can replace them while revisiting dungeons
– Pause battles at any time by hitting the “-” or Home button
– Some battle weapons will be obtained by playing online
– These weapons range from easy to difficult to acquire
– Strengthening items for weapons obtained in online mode can only be found in online mode as well


This trademark was discovered in the US trademark database…

Hmm… Rodea the Sky Soldier sounds a lot like Tenku no Kishi Rodea. Perhaps XSEED will bring the game overseas?


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