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Earlier today, we received an official confirmation that Nintendo will be having a conference next month in Europe. However, word on the street is that a North American event will take place on the same day. The Escapist Magazine is reporting that Nintendo has issued for a conference in New York City. The 19th may very well be Nintendo’s day to announce 3DS launch information for overseas territories.

Source 1, Source 2

This information comes from Senior producer Kevin Sheller…

“The first two GTA games, nobody knows anything about them, right? Grand Theft Auto 1? Nobody even said that word. They never said two either. It wasn’t until Grand Theft Auto 3 that people really got excited about what they were doing. We look at the first Conduit as our learning experience, our foundation work – and we’ll see where we go from there.”

As much as I wish the guys over at High Voltage the best, something tells me that isn’t going to happen. Right now I think the development team should just be focusing on creating a high-quality product.


Inkub screenshots

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii | 0 comments

Inkub, this Monday (12/20/2010) available in USA!

A lot of releases these days! Few hours ago I talked about Dive Demo and now I write you again to announce the INKUB release, our new strategy game for Nintendo Wii. The game will be available through WiiWare Service. The price: 500 WiiPoints.

The objective of the game is to defend an incubator containing a growing specimen. To do this, you will be provided with different weapons and powers that will help you destroy, pause, or block these enemies. These threats will try to enter the incubator through the Plasma tubes that connect it with the life-giving energy that makes them grow.

I would like to announce the European release of Dive: The Medes Islands Secret DEMO. Tomorrow Dive DEMO will be available through Nintendo WiiWare Service for Free. We will release Dive DEMO in USA and Canada very, very soon.

The demo includes one complete level and all game features like achievements or upgrades.
As you know, Dive: The Medes Islands Secret challenges players to dive into an undersea 2D action arena spanning real-world environments, filled with exciting adventures and breathtaking aquatic scenery. Within the depths of the oceans, players will encounter dangerous sea life as they explore and investigate breathtaking landscapes that are captured in exquisite 3D from around the world

Source: Cosmonaut Games PR

This information comes from Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, Mistwalker CEO Hironobu Sakaguchi, and AQ Interactive’s Takuya Matsumoto…

– Matsumoto and Sakaguchi would like players to be surprised when they see other player’s videos and see how they are different from their own experiences with the game
– No fixed camera in event scenes, players can control it somewhat
– When players see videos from the game made by others, Sakaguchi thinks gamers may wonder why the camera movement is different for the same scene
– Sakaguchi used a hand-held camera effect while playing to give the game a live feeling
– Matsumoto joked that Sakaguchi focused on Kanan during events
– Treasure boxes/drop items always random
– While playing online, choose your character and then can customize lines the character says while battling
– This system is possible due to the large amount of voice in the game
– Will hear your allies’ voices while on the move and during battle in addition to event scenes/dialogue sequences
– Before battle, the leader will give advice, will continually shout out orders in battle
– Sakaguchi wanted to use the voice lines during online play
– Sometimes will hear things that sound out of place, such as Yuris saying “Father… Father…” repeatedly
– Sakaguchi suggested keeping staff voices in the game (used during development and were later swapped with professional voice actors), but that never happened
– 6 players in co-op boss fights and competitive battle royal modes
– Sakaguchi thinks the battle royal mode will offer a different play feel from the main story part of the game
– Sakaguchi would like players to show off their clothing in the arena
– “Chain” system allows allies to take turns striking an enemy, building up more and more damage
– Matsumoto believes that the system with friends will increase the feeling of affinity
– Mages take time to cast magic, will be open to attack
– Unclear if you can use other characters during online battle royal
– Even with online play, the game has as one of its pillars a story that leads players to a goal
– Sakaguchi believes having a single story firmly in place is important
– Iwata feels that Sakaguchi has taken a different approach to making the players want to play again
– By giving more freedom, they’re making it so that players will think “What if I’d done this at that point,” and will play the game over and over again
– Sakaguchi thinks story can reach players of all types
– Sakaguchi also believes that, with the game’s controls and rules of the world, it’s necessary that players experience a large scale story once
– Sakaguchi wants players to enjoy the depths of the gameplay systems and the online play after they’ve fully submerged themselves in the game world
– Sakaguchi says the best game is one in which you get a second burst of flavor after biting into the gum the first time

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


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