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“One thing I can talk about is that Pit uses a lot of weapons and this is a very important aspect of the game. There’s a wide variety of very different types of weapons. Each one is very unique and presents a wide range of gameplay possibilities and a multitude of ways to approach different enemies with different weapons. All of this weapon variation makes you feel like you’re playing the game with a brand new character because the feel is so varied when you use different weapons.” – Masahiro Sakurai

In the first Kid Icarus game, there were a few different weapons, but as a general rule the game stayed pretty similar throughout. Uprising is looking like it’s going to have a lot of different gameplay types, and if you match that with a lot of different weapons, it’s sure to be a very diverse experience!

Via Dtoid

This information comes from Nintendo Power…

“I’m really happy that the game was so well received in North America. I definitely want to make a sequel. I’m very busy working on other titles right now, but when the time is right, I would love to make another installment of The World Ends with You.” – Tetsuya Nomura

I’m not too sure how well The World Ends with You sold, but there’s no question that it had an overwhelmingly positive critical reception. There are also a ton of DS owners that greatly enjoyed the title. It’s nice to know that there’s a good chance we’ll see a sequel in the future… Perhaps on the 3DS?

Thanks to Slippy for the tip!

New Okamiden trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 1 Comment


– Started out as a Nintendo subsidiary (GameCube/GBA development)
– Was a joint venture, 78% shares for Nintendo, 13% shares for Dentsu
– Dentsu is Nintendo’s advertising firm
– Company struggled, some employees left for Sony
– NdCube has seen a massive overhaul this year, Dentsu’s shares were bought out, Nintendo now the sole proprietor
– Company is now more of a Nintendo R&D rather than a subsidiary
– Company has expanded, second division in Sapporo and Tokyo established, both are close to Nintendo’s branch offices

Mario Party

– Franchise could become less relevant
– Wii Party has been successful
– Lead staff has left Hudson, joined Nd Cube
– Original staff was a join venture, Monegi, created by Nintendo and Hudson
– Nintendo wanted to capture a larger audience with Wii Party than Mario Party could

Metroid: Other M

– Always had plans for a deep story
– Game development became much different than the game that was first conceived
– Because of the advancement in technology/development, Sakamoto has been able to express the story himself, original design team has encapsulated
– Game is a “romantic” project for Sakamoto
– Ideas thought of by Sakamoto that were formed in past years are in the game


Believe it or not, these are the first official screenshots that have been released for The Last Story. We’ve seen some of them in scans before, though Mistwalker and Nintendo have finally published direct-feed shots of the title. You can also check out the updated game site here, as well as the first trailer which was released last month here.

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