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Etrian Odyssey III video

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

New Pokemon revealed

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

The pink Pokemon in the image above is called Mamanb?. There’s some speculation that it could be an evolution of Luvdisc, but that has yet to be confirmed. Also, the Pokemon to the left of Mamanb? is Gigaiasu.


– Tank battle and classic videogame levels are featured
– New stealth tactics
– Daniel Craig and Judi Dench are in the game
– Tank mission: Behind the cannon, move with d-pad, face buttons aim artillery, tap the touch screen to switch button-controlled machine guns/cannon, tap to recharge shield
– Health/shields for tank: Two curved bars, too much damage will deplete your shield and you will start to lose health
– Helicopters, armed troops, tanks are enemies in the tank level
– Point of view doesn’t change what the tank controls define as forward
– Has an Archives level: Bond has been taken hostage, Bond girl being carried off, Bond gets on his feet, takes out the guards in combat (tap the screen when the proximity icon shows up), Bond then gets a handgun and ducks/runs through the level, finally pops out of an air duct and creeps up on a bad guy for a stealth kill
– Move Bond with the d-pad, rotate point of view with the touchscreen
– Touchscreen has a radar, shows level layout and where enemies are
– Mini-game: Looking at keypad, swipe a card before entering a code
– Kick a door by swiping the stylus
– Around 90% of the cutscenes are in first-person
– Local and online multiplayer


EA is a big fan of the 3DS

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments

“I think it’s a great E3 for the industry. Normally, you come here and there’s one hardware surprise, and I can’t think of another E3 where everyone’s surprising in a positive way. And they’re positive surprises. It’s not like, ‘Yeah, they did that but I don’t know about that.’ Every one of [these new technologies] is cool. The 3DS is just incredibly cool. The 3DS is magical. You put that in your hand, you look down, and all of a sudden it’s in 3D without glasses. That’s an amazing experience. I’m a huge fan. I think that device is going to sell like hot cakes. I think it’s going to do incredibly well, and in typical Nintendo fashion they have re-energized the industry, yet again. I give them nothing but credit and we are excited to be supporting that platform with Madden, FIFA, and The Sims that we announced.” – EA’s John Schappert

I have to agree with Mr. Schappert when he said that the 3DS “is going to sell like hot cakes.” The DS has sold extremely well, and considering that the 3DS improves on Nintendo’s current handheld in numerous ways – as well as including glasses-less 3D technology – I can only imagine the sales that it’ll achieve.


“There’s something else that we’re going to reveal later on in the year that wasn’t at E3, which is just very, very innovative. There are very few people who know about it at the moment. It’s not another Kinect thing – it’s to do with the Wii. People are talking about Kinect and Move at the moment, understandably – but if we’d have had this at E3, people would have been talking about this as a significant step forward for the Wii as well. Maybe [we’ll show it at] Gamescom.” – global exec VP Ian Curran

Well, I’m certainly interested to hear more about this! THQ has brought some interesting titles to the Wii, such as de Blob and Deadly Creatures – the latter of which, unfortunately, sold terribly. It’s nice to see that they’re still looking to support the platform, and it sounds like the company is very excited about this new game.


We’ve previously heard that the structure of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be a bit different this time around compared to past games in the series. In other words, the traditional flow of moving from the field to dungeons won’t be as clearly defined. Skyward Sword producer Eiji Aonuma elaborated on this point in an interview with the Official Nintendo Magazine, but shared other interesting details with the magazine.

“It’s hard, obviously, to introduce major changes into the Zelda gameplay, and one of the reasons for that is that we have some traditional elements that we have protected and continued throughout the series. You have a field, you have dungeons, and there is a line across which area you are in, and which style of gameplay you are participating in. So what we’ve tried to do with Skyward Sword is to introduce some new elements. This time there are larger fields and dungeons that don’t really feel like dungeons or fields, but also incorporate some of those elements. We are re-imagining some of the traditional gameplay elements.”

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