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The news below comes from information gathered from Comic-Con’s schedule page for

“4:45-5:45 Capcom 2010 and Beyond!— See the latest trailers and get the inside scoop on all of Capcom’s most highly anticipated games for 2010 and beyond: Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, Sengoku Basara, Okamiden, Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, Ghost Trick, Dead Rising 2, and more. On top of all that, hear details on an exciting new game announcement by Capcom legend Keiji Inafune, the father of Mega Man! Room 6BCF”

As it turned out, today’s big Capcom announcement wasn’t related to Nintendo. But considering Inafune is involved with the company’s new project, the news from Conic-Con should be worth paying attention to and there’s a possibility that the announcement could be tied to the Wii/DS.


Yuji Naka, CEO of Prope responding to the fact that he created Sonic…

“Not right now. Right now, I want to create new things. Even if I had the opportunity to create some kind of new Sonic game I think that’s best kept within Sega.”

Naka on whether we’ll see another game like Let’s Tap…

“Personally, I would love to work on something like that, but the sales weren’t high so I don’t know if I can justify making another one. One of the things in Let’s Tap is it’s not digital, you don’t push a button and have the game react to it. I’m really happy with the technology we created. It senses soft touches, reads that, and puts that it into the game.

“Looking from the outside, it was Microsoft that released the first of this generation of consoles. Naturally, in my opinion, Microsoft will make the first move. Or, because Nintendo’s approach was not to upgrade much on its basic hardware – Wii doesn’t even support HD resolution – so they might be the first to move. Probably the watch should be on these companies, in my opinion.” – Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida

Nintendo has repeatedly said that HD alone won’t motivate the company to introduce a new console. There needs to be an innovative idea that can’t be realized on current hardware. And with the 3DS launching as late as next year, it wouldn’t surprise me if it takes Nintendo a long time to announce a Wii successor.


Metal Gear Solid 3 vs. Metal Gear Solid 3DS

You may recognize this new Pokemon from the anime beta art we posted a few days ago. Now we can see it in color, thanks to a flyer from the Daisuki Club site. The Pokemon has yet to be named.


At the moment, it isn’t clear if this will end up being the final boxart for Metroid: Other M in Japan. It’d be nice if it does stay this way, though…It looks really nice, don’t you think?


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