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Major Launch Gathering at Nintendo World Store Highlights Social Fun of New Adventure Game for Nintendo DS Systems

–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nintendo:


Nintendo will host a sensational social gathering to celebrate the July 11 launch of DRAGON QUEST® IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies for the portable Nintendo DS™ family of systems. Consumers of all ages and backgrounds are invited to the Nintendo World store in New York’s Rockefeller Plaza to experience the multiplayer fun and rich customization features of this epic new release. Multiple game demo stations will be placed throughout the store and Rockefeller Plaza for attendees. All guests will have the opportunity to buy the game in advance of launch and Yuji Horii, creator of the DRAGON QUEST series, will sign autographs for the first 30 fans in line at the Nintendo World store to purchase the game (limit two items per customer). All visitors also can have souvenir pictures snapped in a unique DRAGON QUEST photo booth, snack on treats from a DRAGON QUEST ice cream truck (while supplies last), and receive special DRAGON QUEST-themed prizes (while supplies last).


Deep space exploration, dramatic cinematics and deadly new moves for Samus in all-new adventure on Wii

8th July 2010 – Prepare yourself for a Metroid adventure like no other. Stunning action and a moving personal story come together in an unforgettable way in Metroid: Other M, launching across Europe for Wii on 3rd September 2010.

One of the first female videogame heroines in history, Samus Aran takes centre stage once more in this unprecedented collaboration, blending the slick, action-packed production of the Team Ninja development team with the game design talents of the original Metroid’s creators.

EDGE review scores

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies – 9
Crackdown 2 – 8
Apple Jack – 8
Art Style: light trax – 7
Darkstar One: Broken Alliance – 6
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 – 6
Trinity Universe – 6
Art Style: Penta Tentacles – 5
Transformers: War For Cybertron – 5
Jett Rocket – 4

Aqua: Naval Warfare – 3
Clash of the Titans – 3

Thanks to joclo for the tip!

Thanks to Thomas N and Robert for the tip!

1. [DS] Inazuma Eleven 3: Sekai e no Chousen!! Spark – 505,000 / NEW
2. [DS] Taiko no Tatsujin DS: Dororon! Youkai Daikessen!! – 70,000 / NEW

3. [PS3] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift – 50,000 / NEW
4. [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy 2 – 35,000 / 648,000
5. [DS] Digimon Story: Lost Evolution – 34,000 / NEW
6. [DS] LovePlus + – 22,000 / 106,000
7. [DS] Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side 3rd Story – 20,000 / 72,000

8. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010: Aoki Samurai no Chousen – 19,000 / 160,000
9. [DS] Art Academy – 19,000 / 60,000
10. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010: Aoki Samurai no Chousen – 16,000 / 101,000
11. [360] BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
12. [PS3] Totori no Atelier: Arland no Renkinjutsushi 2
13. [DS] Tomodachi Collection
14. [360] Monster Hunter Frontier Online
15. [PSP] Boku no Natsuyasumi Portable 2: Nazo Nazo Shimai to Chinbotsusen no Himitsu
16. [PSP] Hatsune Miku: Project Diva (Dekkai Ohaidoku-han)
17. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010: Aoki Samurai no Chousen
18. [Wii] New Super Mario Bros. Wii
19. [Wii] Wii Fit Plus
20. [DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2
21. [DS] Ghost Trick
22. [Wii] Xenoblade
23. [Wii] Mario Kart Wii

24. [PS3] Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City
25. [DS] Tamagotchi no Pichi Pichi Omisecchi
26. [PSP] Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G (PSP the Best)
27. [DS] Kaidan Restaurant: Ura Menu 100-Sen
28. [PSP] Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator: Ossu! Misao + Maguro Densetsu Portable
29. [PS2] Scared Rider Xechs
30. [PSP] Fairy Tail: Portable Guild

Okamiden art

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 3 Comments

I know it’ll be awhile until Okamiden makes its way to North America and Europe, but I really hope you guys check this game out when it finally launches. Some of you are aware that Okami is one of my favorite games…I have a feeling that the DS title will be fantastic as well.

We’ve pretty much heard this news already, but just in case you want to read a few more direct quotes from Hideo Kojima regarding Metal Gear Solid 3DS, you can check out what he had to say below.

“It was a top-secret project — I had a non-disclosure agreement signed with Nintendo, so I couldn’t even tell you [Hamamura] about it. The demo was produced by the Peace Walker team, but outside of the group that developed it, nobody at Kojima Productions even knew about it. I got that group together and said ‘Okay, we have to build this thing for E3’ — they work on a different floor from the rest of the studio, so most people thought they were on vacation after shipping off Peace Walker, I suppose.”

“The thing is that it’s hard to get a lot of feedback from players, because only so many of them could physically play the title at the event. I was hoping to shape our future direction for the game based on more of their opinions. Also, the maps and character models were all remade with a higher polygon count than before. The models are about the same quality as what we made for the PlayStation 3, but you really can’t tell within the game. We could’ve made it look better if we had a little more time.”

“I did handle direction work on the E3 demo, but where I go from here hasn’t been decided yet. For now, what we wanted to do was advertise the fact that we are producing a 3DS game in the MGS franchise. Largely it was just a demonstration of what we’re capable of with the 3DS. For a full-size game, just having things pop out at the player all the time will get old fast, so I think the emphasis will be on visual depth instead. We haven’t settled on the details yet, but I’d like to get CO-OPS and some of the other things we did in Peace Walker into this game as well. We can’t change MGS3’s story, but we are thinking about CO-OPS and other things we can use the 3D technology for.”

“Nothing’s been decided at all yet. I don’t think we’ll be able to make it a launch title, but if we don’t at least stick close to launch, we’ll lose a lot of product value. …I think we need to get it out by then (year within launch). That’s why I want to get more people to try it out. Showing a trailer really just isn’t enough — it’d be nice if Nintendo organizes some kind of public demo event.”

Kojima also discussed a secret project he’s working on, “taboo,” but since there are currently no indications that it will be for a Nintendo platform, we won’t be covering that unless some sort of announcement in the future proves otherwise!

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


Metroid: Other M details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment

This information comes from the behind-the-scenes developer’s voice video on the Japanese Nintendo Channel…

– Controls adapt to the environments you explore
– Different finishing move based on the enemy
– Devs the transition from cinematics to gameplay to be smooth
– Bombing walls in the 2D Metroids to find items comparable to investigating areas in first-person view
– Team wanted a voice actress that could speak in an unsophisticated/direct manner instead of someone that has a good technique because Samus doesn’t talk much and isn’t “very good at living like a normal human being”
– Japanese voice actress is Koeda Ai
– Shooting animation very quick because Sakamoto wanted Other M to have the same feeling as 2D Metroids
– D-Rockets wanted Zero Suit Samus to be featured
– Armor protects Samus from enemies, also guards her feelings
– Sakamoto didn’t want Samus’ armor to be off unless it was very necessary for the story/situation
– Team wanted to portray a strong, cool Samus who has powers that humans don’t possess


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