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“I could beat the Microsoft drum the whole time, or mention Deus Ex, I’m a big fan of that and it’s a genre that’s wide open. I dusted off my Wii for Mario Galaxy 2 and I’m hoping to keep the dust off it. But I think Nintendo’s back. Nintendo’s had an affair with everybody’s mom. They’ve come back to marriage of the Mario and Kirby and the Goldeneye fans, and for me that’s good to see because I dusted off my Wii for Mario Galaxy 2 and I’m hoping to keep the dust off it.”

Perhaps this is just me, but I don’t think Nintendo left in the first place! I never understand gamers who say they have to dust off their Wii…There have been so many titles that I’ve been interested in that I’ve had to be selective about which games I purchase.


This information comes from an Iwata Asks 3DS interview with Hideki Konno

“So if I play Nintendogs, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon, and if all these games support the new functionality, regardless of what game I’m playing, communication car occur for all of them.” – Satoru Iwata

Some people have already started speculating that Black/White will end up being a 3DS-enhanced game, but I’m not too sure about that. Personally, it seems like it was an offhand remark. Eventually, though, you’ll see Pokemon on the new handheld in some form.

Thanks to Lucas C for the tip!

– Takes place on a giant ocean liner, terrifying storm
– Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine are on the ship
– The two are arguing while a prisoner looks on
– Use the analog stick to watch the scene from different viewpoints
– Zoom in/out with A/B buttons


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