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This information comes from a recent news article from Nintendo-Revolution…

“Let us start with what I know. A big publisher will present a very promising peripheral for Wii. You might think that all sensible peripherals have been done, but not quite. This one could become quite useful. And, surprisingly, the publisher has managed to secure the support of other publishers for it, I am told. So this one will not gather dust as soon as that ´Tony Hawk Ride´ board, they hope. I will only give you a cryptic hint: the peripheral will enable some seminal DS games to be adapted to Wii better than would otherwise have been possible. A cryptic hint, like I said.”

Usually I wouldn’t post a rumor like this, but this particular author has been correct on quite a few occasions. Most third-party accessories haven’t been able to match Nintendo’s success with add-ons, but based on the comments above, it seems like this one could.


ESRB updates

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Wild West Shootout (Wii) – T
Soul of Darkness (DSi) – T
Everyday Soccer (DSiWare/DSi) – E
Gold Gym’s Dance Workout (Wii) – E10+
Puzzle Time (DS) – E
JellyCar 2 (DSi) – E
Green Day Rock Band (Wii) – T

The Last Airbender details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

This information comes from Nintendo Power…

– Switch from Aang and Prince Zuko
– As Aang, use your staff to defeat Fire Nation soldiers
– Wind can also be used to defeat enemies and pick up objects (throw them at enemies, put them on switches, slam them to the ground)
– “Insight move” – Move very fast, helps solve some puzzles, ride winds from statues
– More combat for Zuko stages
– Fireballs, flaming punches, firebombs for Zuko
– When near a fire pillar, you can enter first-person mode and scorch enemies from a distance
– Prince of Persia-like platforming, climb walls by grabbing vines and rocks
– Stealth attacks
– Play through a stage as one character, then play through a modified version of the stage as the other character
– Cartoony graphics for DS version, more of a top down perspective
– RPG elements
– Nonlinear levels, side quests, collectibles to extend health/chi, upgradeable special moves
– Interact with NPCs
– Many touch controls (moving, fighting, conversing, elemental powers)
– L or R to enter a combat stance

Disney really seems to be publicizing Epic Mickey!


Even though I always enjoy this time of year, the amount of rumors published on gaming websites skyrockets to astronomical levels as a result of E3. There have already been a number of Zelda Wii-related rumors over the last few months, but I’ve been extremely hesitant to post them since Nintendo tends to keep secrets quiet. Since E3 is on the horizon, though, we might as well have a bit of fun, right? The “details” about Zelda Wii below have been labeled as “confirmed” by Zelda Informer, but I’m not believing anything until Tuesday!

– The game will just be called “The Legend of Zelda”
– Takes place several hundred years before Ocarina of Time, how the Master Sword was created
– Character’s name from the art is Zordiana
– Hookshot returning, has new abilities, has the grappling ability from Wind Waker, doesn’t use MotionPlus
– Somtimes “draw” a symbol on a door with your sword to open it
– Bow controls similar to that of Wii Sports Resort
– Two difficulty levels, though Miyamoto was against it, Normal and Hero modes, tougher enemies and no “Super Guide” in Hero mode
– On-stage demo at E3, playable, is an ice “dungeon”, you won’t notice when you’re in a dungeon as it’ll be a smooth transition, there will be dungeons with no bosses and vise versa

Thanks to Damir H for the tip!


Retro Studios has already worked on a major Nintendo franchise in Metroid and now rumor has it that the company has moved on to Donkey Kong. That’s all IGN – who initially reported the story – seems to know, but we’re just a few days away from finding out if the nebulous speculation is spot on.

Although Retro Studios released a title last year, it was only a remake of the Prime titles bundled into one package. Alongside it, many had logically assumed that they were working on a bigger, original project as well. Last year, Michael Kelbaugh said “I think you’ll be very excited when you find out what we’re working on.” Does the prospect of a Retro Studios-made title excite you?


We have some very important site news to bring to you today! Fortunately, it comes just in time for E3.

I’d definitely say that this is the biggest site update we’ve had since Nintendo Everything opened in 2007. Looking back at that year and thinking about where we are today, it’s almost impossible for me to believe where we’re at now and how far we’ve come. A lot has changed on the site in terms of what news we bring you, how we bring it to you, and how often we bring it to you.

Over the last few months, I’ve been thinking about the success of the site. Not in terms of viewership, but instead about how we’ve managed to accomplish our goal of bringing Nintendo fans the most important Nintendo news on a consistent basis and in a passionate way.

In April, Professor Layton developer Level-5 announced their latest project in Famitsu called Time Travelers. The company only decided to share only a few select details about the game as well as a piece of art.

However, based on a comment posted on Jiro Ishii’s Twitter account, it seems likely that the title will receive a full unveiling at E3. Ishii, the game’s director, said that his preparations are complete and that it’s been ten years since he last visited Los Angeles. Time Travelers may very well be in development for the 3DS, as Level-5 CEO previously stated that it would be coming to “hardware that’s not yet in this world.”

Source 1, Source 2

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