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Dragon Quest IX trailers

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 2 Comments

Super Mario Galaxy 2 scans

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

Xenoblade site music 3

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

Thanks to Asso for the tip!

“I was art director on Xenosaga Episode 1, which was also my first project at Monolith Soft. I was director and art director on Baten Kaitos and Baten Kaitos II. For the soon-to-be released Xenoblade, I made concept art. Outside of these, when we get graphics work from other companies, I do direction inside the company. By the way, I’m currently…I’m doing secret work (laughs).” – Baten Kaitos series director Yasuyuki Honne

Man, I can’t even begin to tell you guys how much I love Baten Kaitos. I’d be absolutely thrilled if Baten Kaitos III was announced for Wii. Unfortunately, the sales of the first two games might prevent that from happening.


This information comes from Treasure’s Masato Maegawa, who was the producer for Sin and Punishment: Star Successor…

“We were adjusting the difficulty right up to the end, so I don’t feel that it is too easy at all. I think that the Easy Mode is the perfect difficulty for anybody to be able to play the game to the end without having to give up and that, like with the first game, Hard Mode is so difficult that you may find it impossible to beat.”

Sin and Punishment: Star Success seems like a great challenge for players. It’s also nice that more casual gamers will be able to tackle the game through the easy mode. So everyone should be able to find the right difficulty for themselves!


Like last time, I’m putting the video past the break in case anyone feels they’d be spoiled by this video!

“…hopefully we’ll roll into the next project and start building something even cooler than what we’ve accomplished with this game, but first we need to understand if we even have an audience. How many people want to play a game where you stand up and swing your arm vigourously? We think the answer is ‘a lot.’ But some cold, hard facts never hurt the situation when pitching the next project.” – Jason Vandenberghe, Red Steel 2 director

Ubisoft seems relatively pleased with the sales of Red Steel 2, so hopefully we’ll see another entry in the series hit the Wii eventually. For now, it seems as though Vandenberghe is occupied with another project


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