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RDR: 9.75
Lost Planet 2: 8.5
Split Second: 8.25
Skate 3: 8.75
Iron Man 2: 6
Alan Wake: 8.5
ModNation Racers: 8.5
Super Mario Galaxy 2: 9.25
Monster Hunter Tri: 7
Trauma Team: 8


– Called “Hajimete no Super Mario Galaxy 2” (“First Super Mario Galaxy 2”)
– Beginners manual of sorts for new 3D Mario players
– Iwata hoping DVD will help 2D Mario players who have struggled controlling a 3D Mario
– Even though though Galaxy featured spheres to prevent players from getting lost, controlling a 3D Mario for the Japanese market is a concern
– Will include super player videos
– Video start with a control description, then shows how to progress through the game, then shows “challenge player”
– Original has sold 8.84 million copies worldwide (1.01 million in Japan, 4 million in North America)
– Galaxy 2 meant to be an “Ultimate 3D Mario”
– 2.5 years of development


– Nintendo working to improve anti-piracy measures for 3DS
– Iwata didn’t want to go into detail because it might give “hints” to culprits
– Iwata on piracy: “We fear a kind of thinking is become widespread that paying for software is meaningless. We have a strong sense of crisis about this problem.”
– Can turn on/off 3D functionality for 3DS
– Iwata on Wii sales: “I’m not pessimistic, and this is not a pessimistic forecast”


Xenoblade details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

– Overworld loads only when moving to a different body part
– There will be secrets while you explore away from the target location
– You can jump off from heights, but you might suffer damage
– Can warp to previously visited landmarks from your map
– Target area shown with an arrow at the top of the screen
– Change in-game time
– Save anywhere
– Full day cycle
– Time of day affects how the people of Kyojin move/affects their personalities
– Can interact with NPCs


“… Probably the other thing that we are desperate to realise is the core [online] business structure. Do we need to demand customers pay monthly fees to enjoy online activities? Or give an online subscription that is free of charge, but then offer something extra for people that pay, so that they get some extra value? With these core business strategies I think we are less active than we should be. To be honest, I think it’s rather unfair whenever I hear such comments – that Nintendo isn’t proactive when it comes to its online strategy. The fact of the matter is that we always want all Wii consoles to be connected online, all the time, so Nintendo has never been less than proactive in that kind of endeavour. It is true, though, that Nintendo hasn’t been very proactive in developing such online activities as an MMOG. But when it comes to our endeavours that try to take advantage of internet technology, where we can provide our customers with more fun and entertainment, then I think we can say we have been very, very proactive and well-received. And that attitude won’t be changed at all in the future.” – Shigeru Miyamoto

It’s fantastic that Nintendo doesn’t ask consumers to pay in order to play games online. However, I believe many enthusiasts would argue that the company really needs to modernize the way they handle Wi-Fi connectivity. I doubt Nintendo will ever remove friend codes, but perhaps something can be done to make online gaming on the Wii more engaging and robust.


The latest issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine reached subscribers in the UK today, which contained a 10-page Super Mario Galaxy 2 review. Although a perfect score was not awarded like EDGE, the magazine gave the game a 97%, a very high score. ONM ultimately acknowledged that the title “lacks the original’s impact”, but praised Galaxy 2’s music, power-ups, and graphics. The magazine additionally stated that it is “a whole new heap of genius.” It looks as though Super Mario Galaxy 2 is shaping up to be just as enjoyable as its predecessor, if not more so.

Thanks to joclo and Thomas N for the tip!

This information comes from Nintendo’s recent investor briefing…

– Party game collection
– Teiban Party mode: 1-4 players, standard games such as Bingo, Roulette, Mii-jam, Overseas Trip Game, Sugoruku (dice)
– Pair Party: 2-4 players, Compatibility Check, Balance Ship, Mii Awase (Mii Alignment) games
– Living Party mode: 2+ players, will have “new play types made possible by the Wiimote.”
– Mii Channel creations will be used for characters
– Over 160 Miis created
– First party game since 2007 (Mario Party 8 )

Thanks to Rucker and Thomas N for the tip!


PSP – 59,315
PS3 – 32,874
Wii – 30,757
DSi LL – 25,569
DSi – 15,628

Xbox 360 – 4,943
DS Lite – 4,068
PSP go – 1,890
PS2 – 1,577

For comparison’s sake, here are the numbers from last week.

PSP – 28,758
PS3 – 25,629
Wii – 23,691
DSi LL – 16,676
DSi – 10,640
DS Lite – 2,789

Xbox 360 – 2,214
PSP go – 1,544
PS2 – 1,490

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