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Metroid: Other M details

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 3 Comments

For decades, Samus Aran has been known as one of the first female protagonists in video games, and one of the most enigmatic. Having traded her haunted past for the solitary life of a bounty hunter, Samus™ finally tells her own tale in this revealing, personal story of her failings, her flaws and ultimately her motivation. Metroid: Other M is an unprecedented collaboration that blends the slick, action-packed production of the world-renowned Team Ninja development team with the game design talents of the creators of the original Metroid. Metroid: Other M is a dramatic new direction for a legendary franchise and a bold new blend between cinematics, storytelling and the best in interactive entertainment.

The Indie Superhit Drops With Exclusive Content On Wii

February 24, 2010 – Nicalis, Inc. is excited to announce the upcoming release of the indie superhit, Cave Story for WiiWare. Rated E10+, Cave Story will be available exclusively for Nintendo’s WiiWare service on Monday, March 22nd in North America. The highly anticipated action-adventure game is the combined effort of Nicalis, Inc. and Studio Pixel to produce an official Wii version of Cave Story (known as Doukutsu Monogatari in Japan).

Cave Story for Wii features enhanced artwork, the official translation, a remastered soundtrack and many other touches that will surprise new and existing fans alike. With artwork completely drawn by hand, Cave Story for Wii has a fresh new and unique look. Players can opt to play with the classic artwork and music as well mix-and-match new and classic audio-visuals.

DSi XL trailer

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

GhostWire trailer

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

Players will uncover clues to deduce the identity of the culprit in the family friendly whodunit video game exclusively for Wii

BURBANK, Calif. – (February 24, 2010) -There’s been a crime… can you follow the clues to find the Guilty Party? Disney Interactive Studios today announced Disney Guilty Party, a family-friendly mystery party game being developed exclusively for the WiiTM console. Created by Wideload Games, Disney Interactive Studios’ Chicago development studio, Guilty Party is scheduled for release in the second half of 2010.

Guilty Party tells the thrilling tale of the Dickens Detective Agency as they solve crimes set in motion by the master criminal known as Mr. Valentine. Up to four players can solve crimes in a variety of locations all over the world to unlock the secrets of Mr. Valentine’s grand scheme.

Photo Dojo trailer

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

X-Scape trailer

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 1 Comment

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