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Making the Wii SD as opposed to HD was a bit of a controversial decision at the time for Nintendo. HD televisions were starting to break out, and Sony and Microsoft both adapted this functionality for their own consoles – the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

Shigeru Miyamoto, reflecting on the decision to go with SD for Wii in an interview with 4Gamer, said that “it would have been great if it were HD in the first place.” He also relayed a sentiment to move on to HD sooner.

An unofficial translation of Miyamoto’s remarks:

Shigeru Miyamoto recently conducted an interview with Japanese publication 4Gamer. Bits and pieces have emerged since then, but a full translation hasn’t made its way online.

Thankfully, one fan has now painstakingly translated the first portion of 4Gamer’s interview. You can find the full thing here. Get ready for a whole bunch of Pikmin 3 talk!

Nintendo included a brief section about the SEGA 3D Classics Series in its European Nintendo Direct Mini today. However, the downloads weren’t mentioned in the North American counterpart video.

SEGA has since confirmed that its Classic Series lineup will be heading to the states in addition to Europe. The following games are planned for release overseas:

– 3D Altered Beast
– 3D Ecco the Dolphin
– 3D Galaxy Force II
– 3D Shinobi III
– 3D Sonic The Hedgehog
– 3D Space Harrier
– 3D Streets of Rage
– 3D Super Hang-On


Wii U games have barely made a dent in Ubisoft’s total sales for the past few months. Across April, May, and June, the console contributed to just 3% of the publisher’s sales.

Despite this, Ubisoft still has a lot of content coming to Wii U. Rayman Legends, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, and Watch_Dogs will all be available for the console before year’s end.


European Devil Survivor 2 pre-orders will open next week, publisher Ghostlight has confirmed. Pricing will be set at £24.99 / €29.99.

Ghostlight will publish the game in Europe if an internal pre-order target is met. Those who reserve Devil Survivor 2 will be included in the manual, and there will be a special pre-order pack containing Devil Survivor 2 together with a heavily discounted copy of Devil Survivor: Overclocked.

Ghostlight also has an update on a digital version of Devil Survivor Overclocked. The company says that the “wheels are turning and it looks very much like the game will be coming to the eShop in the near future.” More details will be shared “in the next couple of weeks.”



Super Ubie Land players will find a crossover with Two Brothers, an upcoming indie game from AckkStudios that we’ve covered here previously.

Roy Guarder from Two Brothers will ask Ubie to collect secret “Jewels” that allows the character to turn into different colors. Four of them can be found throughout Climate Island.


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