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EA and developer DICE won’t be putting Battlefield 4 on Wii U. The news is hardly surprising given how the game’s predecessor also skipped a release on the console.

Battlefield 4 is a cross-generation project though, meaning the Wii U should be able to handle the first-person shooter just fine. So why will the Wii U be missing out on the game?

Creative director Lars Gustavsson explained to VideoGamer:

“I think overall for me as creative director, number one is to deliver a really great game and experience. Sometimes, at least for us, it’s focus on what you do well and what you know well, and ensure that you deliver something good than trying a bit too much, stretching yourself too thin and risking it. I’d rather play it safe, deliver something really good and then look at the future and what could possibly be done than trying a bit too hard and [failing].”


3D Super Hang-On trailer

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

This feature isn’t available overseas yet, but an update is coming soon. The functionality just launched in Japan today.

Q-Games founder Dylan Cuthbert spoke about the development of Star Fox during the GDC 2013 Indie Games Summit. Among other things, Cuthbert said that he believed Miyamoto’s original involvement was “removing what was cool” about his original concept.

Initially, the staff hoped to “to make a full 3D shooting game inspired by Starglider 2.” But Miyamoto eventually took charge, telling the team that “It’s going to be on rails, and it’s going to be fun and playable and a Nintendo game.”

You can find even more development quotes from Cuthbert after the break.

Renegade Kid has finally unleashed a few details about Treasurenauts, which was first uncovered through a trademark filing.

Studio co-founder Jools Watsham confirmed to Operation Rainfall that Treasurenauts will be a 2D game. Additionally, it’s being made on the same engine powering Mutant Mudds.

Treasurenauts is only for the 3DS eShop at the moment. But Watsham did say that a Wii U version is a possibility.

“It’s going to be for the 3DS, potentially for the Wii U, and from what I can say right now is that it’s 2D, and it’s using Mudd‘s engine.”


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