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Nintendo doesn’t typically have a large presence at the World Hobby Fair, and this year is no different. Only one game will be on display – Pikmin 3.

It would have been nice to see additional titles like Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, but it’s better than nothing!


Mario & Luigi: Dream Team is nearly twice the size of Project X Zone, but it, too, isn’t overly huge. The latest in Nintendo’s Mario RPG series will take up 6,792 blocks – possibly give or take a few blocks depending on your region.


Nintendo’s latest 3DS firmware update didn’t just add new save backup functionality. It also took down Gateway’s flashcart. Gateway, however, claims to be “working on making it compatible as quickly as possible” – not exactly the kind of thing Nintendo would like to hear. Nonetheless, these flashcarts have been stopped for now.

Gateway was in the news last month for declaring that it managed to create the first working 3DS flashcart. It allows games to run through microSD cards, which led to concerns regarding piracy.


Project X Zone will take up approximately 3,729 blocks on an SD card. It may vary slightly in Europe and other territories, but that number shouldn’t be too far off. The point is, the game isn’t very big and should easily fit on the card.


Nintendo of America has shown interest in Armikrog, Pencil Test Studios’ new adventure game. It’s pretty unique – the whole thing is made out of clay.

Armikrog was originally announced for PC, OSX, and Linux, but it could be heading to the Wii U eShop as well. Nintendo of America contacted the development team shortly after E3 and expressed interest in the project.

Doug TenNapel, the creator of Earthworm Jim, is working on Armikrog. The creators of The Neverhood are also contributing.

Five days remain for Armikrog’s Kickstarter campaign. It’s only at about $600,000, so some generous donations may be needed to reach the $900,000 target.

Thanks to Elliot B for the tip.

Reggie acknowledged the “my body is ready” meme once again. That makes this video worth it!

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