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This week’s GameStop deals are as follows:

Wouldn’t you say that Trine 2: Director’s Cut looks quite amazing on Wii U? Developer Frozenbyte was even able to enhance the game’s visuals. But those graphics come with a (small) price. Frozenbyte won’t have Director’s Cut running at 60 FPS in the future.

Frozenbyte vice president Joel Kinnunen explained:

“As much as we praise the Wii U, there’s no chance for 60 fps. It’s just too much for the consoles with the graphics we’re throwing at it. The game runs at a rather steady 30 fps but there’s just not much room left. Sorry!”


Mutant Mudds Deluxe was originally planned for release this quarter on the Wii U eShop. That tentative window has now shifted, according to Renegade Kid.

Co-founder Jools Watsham tweeted that Deluxe will now arrive during Q2 2013. Watsham did not confirm a more specific date for the game’s release.

Chasing Aurora’s update and demo are complete. Based on a tweet from developer Felix Bohatsch, both items could be submitted today.

Bohatsch tweeted yesterday:


Doomsday hasn’t been confirmed for Injustice: Gods Among Us… yet. An announcement could be coming in the future.

In the Injustice character battle announcement video posted today, Warner Bros. appears to have included some snippets of Doomsday in action. As shown in the pictures above, it looks like he’s facing off against The Joker.


The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 51,654
3DS – 26,028
PS3 – 18,106
Wii U – 12,959
PSP – 12,191
Vita – 9,596
Wii – 1,904
Xbox 360 – 870

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

3DS LL – 48,226
3DS – 26,898
PS3 – 18,322
Wii U – 13,746
PSP – 12,897
Vita – 9,748
Wii – 2,093
Xbox 360 – 611

Last month, Shin’en announced a final name for its Jett Rocket 3DS project: Jett Rocket II: The Wrath of Taikai. While we patiently wait for its arrival, the studio was kind enough to share new details as well as a first look at the game’s logo with Nintendo Everything.

Jett Rocket II will offer both 2D and 3D gameplay. It focuses on “jump’n’run action”, and players will need to use a variety of gadgets to progress through levels.

Shin’en is once again showing off its technical prowess, this time on the 3DS. Jett Rocket II will support full 3D while maintaining 60 frames-per-second.

Fortunately, Jett Rocket II isn’t too far off. Shin’en has already finished work on all of the levels and is currently in the beta testing phase. Once the developer finishes bug-checking and polishes the game to its fullest, it should be ready for prime time.

Shin’en is aiming for a Q1 release for Jett Rocket II on the 3DS eShop. Look out for the first screenshots later this month.

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