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Let’s Talk

In just a matter of minutes, Nintendo made major announcements about the NX, the new Zelda game, its E3 2016 plans, and next mobile titles on Wednesday. Now that the dust has settled, it’s take to look back on the news and talk about it all.

Here’s a recap of everything:

– NX: not releasing this holiday as many expected, but will instead launch globally in March 2017; unveiling later this year
– Zelda: the new game is coming to both NX and Wii U; delayed to 2017 for a simultaneous launch on both platforms
– E3 2016: no NX at E3, Zelda will be the only playable title
– Mobile: Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing games coming this fall; the latter will connect “with the world of Animal Crossing for dedicated gaming systems”

Now it’s time to talk about the big news! How’s everyone absorbing the various announcements? I think for me, the most surprising thing is that Zelda is the only playable Nintendo game at E3. We’ve never really seen anything like that before. I do sort of wonder why Paper Mario: Color Splash isn’t going to be there, and we won’t be seeing anything on 3DS which seems slightly odd as well.

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Let’s Talk #46: Thoughts on Star Fox Zero

Following a half-year delay, Star Fox Zero has finally launched on Wii U. The game just came out in all territories this week. Most of you have probably seen the critical reception at this point, but each person’s experience is their own.

For those of you who have managed to get some time in with Star Fox Zero, what are your impressions thus far? Are you enjoying it, or are you disappointed? The controls have been a big topic of discussions, so how are you finding those. Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – April 2016

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Let’s Talk #45: What are you playing? – April 2016

A new month is here! We entered April last week, so that means we want to know what you’ve been playing. Have you started up something entirely new for the month? Or maybe you’re continuing something you started a little while back? Whatever the case, let us know in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: Early Miitomo and My Nintendo thoughts

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Let’s Talk #44: Early Miitomo and My Nintendo thoughts

Nintendo launched two important things outside of Japan this week: Miitomo and My Nintendo. For the uninitiated, Miitomo is Nintendo’s very first mobile app while My Nintendo is the company’s brand new rewards service.

Both of these have been out for a few days now. Have you had a chance to try either of them out? If so, what are your thoughts thus far? No matter how you feel, let us know in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What do you think of Pokemon GO?

Let’s Talk #43: What do you think of Pokemon GO?

Pokemon GO was announced about a year ago. But just within the past week, we’ve seen the first off-screen footage and some gameplay screenshots. Niantic and The Pokemon Company divulged new information as well.

Based on what we’ve seen over the past few days, how do you feel about Pokemon GO? Are you less interested compared to the initial reveal, or maybe more? Are you still planning on giving it a shot upon release? Let us know in the comments below.

Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – March 2016

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Let’s Talk #42: What are you playing? – March 2016

It’s been a little while since we last had a Let’s Talk topic dedicated to the games we’re actually playing. That’s what we want to hear from you guys about this week!

As for me, I’m not playing too much at the moment. I just finished Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure a couple of days ago, which I enjoyed quite a bit more than I anticipated I would. The rhythm games get quite challenging towards the end!

I’m also thinking about starting up Zelda: Twilight Princess HD soon – maybe next weekend. I do have a huge backlog that I’ve talked about plenty of times before… but I have such fond memories of Twilight Princess, and I’ve really felt like going through that one again as of late. We’ll see.

So how about you guys? Which games have your attention at the moment?

Highlights from last week’s topic: March 2016 Nintendo Direct thoughts

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Let’s Talk #41: March 2016 Nintendo Direct thoughts

This week’s Nintendo Direct was the first time in awhile that we saw a new presentation that wasn’t about a specific game. A Pokemon broadcast was held just last week, and there was the Smash Bros. video back in December. However, the last actual Direct covering multiple games was held back in November.

Nintendo shared news about both of its current platforms, Wii U and 3DS. In terms of announcements, Paper Mario: Color Splash and Kirby: Planet Robobot were the big ones here. SNES support was also revealed for the New 3DS Virtual Console. That’s in addition to localization of Monster Hunter Generations and Rhythm Heaven Megamix, release dates for games such as Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and Mario & Sonic Wii U, updates for Super Mario Maker and Splatoon, and more.

Nintendo Directs are always big events, so today’s Let’s Talk is dedicated to this week’s presentation. Were you happy with what was shown? Or maybe you were looking for something more/else? Regardless of how you felt, tell us in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What do you want to see from Pokemon Sun/Moon?

Let’s Talk #40: What do you want to see from Pokemon Sun/Moon?

A big Pokemon announcement was made yesterday. Although we did see it coming due to European trademark leaks, we can now officially say that Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are the latest entries in the series, and both will be out on 3DS later this year.

Thus far, we don’t actually know much about Sun and Moon. It looks like we’ll have a new world to explore, and new Pokemon are being introduced as well. That should mean we’re entering an entirely new generation.

Since we know so little about what’s coming, that leaves the door open to plenty of possibilities. Having said that, is there anything in particular you’d like to see in Sun/Moon? Are there gameplay changes or new features you’d be interested in? Let us know in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – February 2016

Let’s Talk #39: What are you playing? – February 2016

A new month is here! We entered February just a few days ago. So that means we want to know what you’ve been playing. Have you started up something entirely new for the month? Or maybe you’re continuing something you started a little while back? Whatever the case, let us know in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What do you want to see out of NX?

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Let’s Talk #38: What do you want to see out of NX?

It was almost a year ago that we first heard about NX. Late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced the platform during the same conference where the mobile partnership with DeNA was made known, which was a move to assure fans that the company is still dedicated to core gaming systems.

We’ll finally be hearing more about NX this year. At the very latest, news will be coming in June at E3, though I’d be surprised if Nintendo didn’t touch on it a bit before then. We’re only a month into 2015, yet the rumor mill is already stirring with plenty of speculation. And as the months go on, we only expect this to continue. Rumors will persist so long as Nintendo remains quiet!

Everyone is anxiously awaiting new information about NX… which might not be an entirely bad thing! It allows us all to keep dreaming and imagining different elements about the system. We want to hear from you guys on this very subject: what do you want to see out of NX? Tell us in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What would you like to see from a new Paper Mario game?

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