What do YOU think? High Voltage Software
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Features | 6 Comments
Ever since The Conduit was announced back in mid-2008, developer High Voltage was put right on center stage, with every Wii developer taking note on what they were doing, and how they were achieving it. For the first time in the console’s lifetime, it seems that Wii owners would be getting a fully-equipped “next-gen” (term used VERY loosely) shooter experience that wasn’t behind in terms of tech or online capabilities. Hype for The Conduit was so huge that it seemed nearly impossible for the game to truly deliver what was being idealized, and, as it turns out, it didn’t. The game released in summer of 2009, sold a measly 400,000 copies to this date, average critics scores usually congregating around 70%. No, surely High Voltage Software did not entirely deliver with The Conduit, but for having developed the engine alongside the game, it’s not as bad as one may think. Regardless, a mediocre game is a mediocre game, and The Conduit is no exception.
Nintendo: The Musical
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Features | 3 Comments
We have musicals based on everything. Musicals based on singing trains, making musicals, cats…So logically someone is bound to make a musical based on a video game at some point. Thankfully, plenty of fans of both games and musical theater have heard the curtain call, and so we have a number of fan-made musical productions based on Nintendo series.
Interview with Shin’en
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, Features, Wii | 9 Comments
You may not be aware of the fact that Shin’en has created games exclusively for Nintendo platforms since the company started in 1999. They’ve worked on titles for the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, DS, and most recently WiiWare. Art of Balance was released on the Wii Shop Channel just a few weeks ago, but the company is continuing to work on other downloadable titles for the service. One such project is Jett Rocket, which looks very promising. Shin’en CEO/Jett Rocket director Manfred Linzner was able to answer a few questions about the game for us, as well as a few other things about Shin’en in a recent interview.
Nintendo Everything: In a few sentences, can you please describe the style of gameplay in Jett Rocket?
Manfred Linzner: “3D Jump’n’Run” desribes JR’s gameplay best. You know, free exploration, no invisible walls, free camera control. You have a great amount of moves and you can interact with many vehicles and machines. One of the coolest things JR can do is to fly to higher grounds with his Jet Pack.
Time capsule – Banjo-Kazooie
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Features | 7 Comments
Back in February, I spent a whole weekend holed up in my room, door blockaded, headphones on, only coming out to eat and pee, and all because of one thing: I was playing Banjo-Kazooie, and I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to beat that thing once and for all.
What do YOU think? Has Nintendo betrayed its fan-base? Part 2
Posted on 14 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features | 20 Comments
Hello once again, NE readers! I’ve got part deux of this feature rip-roaring and ready to go, albeit a week late. I don’t have a written attachment this week, but hopefully you won’t have too much trouble viewing the video! Questions or comments? Leave ’em down below!
Miss out on part 1? Check it out here!
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth review
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, Reviews | 3 Comments
Game Info:
System: Nintendo DS
Category: Adventure
Players: 1
Release date: February 16, 2010
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
The fifth game in the Ace Attorney series puts players in the shoes of tea-sipping prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth. As well as the change in character, Investigations mixes up the gameplay, putting the focus on investigating crime scenes rather than the usual courtroom antics. Sure, it blurs the line between detectives and lawyers, but when taking the law into your own hands is this enjoyable, it doesn’t really matter. Investigations is proof that the Ace Attorney series still has plenty of life left in it.
Monster Hunter Tri demo packaging
Posted on 14 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features | 3 Comments
Here’s a quick look (by request) at the packaging and poster that comes with the Monster Hunter Tri demo. Since the demo is now known to be 100% free of charge, you should all go pick it up right away! Also, if you have any more requests for videos/articles, be sure to comment or use the contact form to let us know!
Monster Hunter Tri – Hands on impressions
Posted on 14 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features | 11 Comments
Edit: I know a lot of you are going to try and pick up the demo as soon as you can, but I think it’s only fair to warn you that most (probably all) Gamestop locations are requiring you to pre-order the game in order to receive a demo. At my location, they assured me that if I didn’t like the demo, I could get a full refund, but I’m not sure if that applies everywhere.
As many of you already may know, demos of Monster Hunter Tri have been distributed to many Gamestop/EB Games a few days early, with many locations already having them in stock. When I heard this, I called up my local Gamestop and asked if they had received their copies. Much to my delight, they did, and I immediately headed out to give it a shot.
When I popped my copy into my Wii and got comfortable up on the couch, I got a little excited. I had never played a Monster Hunter game before, and I had heard a lot of great things about them from fans of the series. Unfortunately, my excitement waned a little bit when I looked at the instructional poster that came with the demo. There were 8 classes represented on the sheet, and each one had a very different style of control. Now, maybe I’m a minority here, but I prefer my games to be kept pretty simple and straight to the point. I’m not a big fan of having to learn long strings of combos or complex controls just to be able to play my game’s tutorial. Regardless, I shoved aside my preconceptions about how much I’d enjoy it and let the title screen roll.
What do YOU think? You guys are awesome!
Posted on 14 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Site updates | 8 Comments
Okay, so this isn’t part 2 of the “Has Nintendo betrayed their fanbase?” article, but it’s something that I feel I’ve gotta type up at some point or another. Believe it or not, tomorrow marks my one-year anniversary of writing for Nintendo Everything, and because of that I feel the need to dish out some major “thank you”s right about now. It’s been an absolutely fantastic year for me and video games, and I definitely want to give a big chunk of the credit to everyone that visits, contributes, or enjoys the site. You guys are the best.
First, I’ve gotta thank the bulk of the reason this site is as popular as it is: You guys. Everyone that is reading this, everyone that has commented on a news story, an article, joined the forum, or sent in a news tip; you guys are the biggest reason I do this (and because I enjoy it, of course!). Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am, and neither would NE. I think I speak for everyone that contributes to the site when I give you guys a major thank you. I really don’t know how many of you there are out there, but I’d send each and every one of you a personal thank you card if I could. I’m not sure what brought you to NE in the first place, but I am so thankful you’re here and sticking around! Hopefully you’ll stay for many, many years to come.
What do YOU think? Has Nintendo betrayed their fan base?
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Features | 33 Comments
Firstly, let me quickly apologize for the useless 2 minutes of nothing at the end of the video. I have no idea how it got there, but I figured it wouldn’t be a huge issue for you guys.
Just so you all know, this is going to be a 2 part article. After you read it, I encourage you to leave as many hateful (or nice!) comments as you wish, telling me how wrong (or right!) I am. I’ll sculpt my next article, which will go up this Sunday, around your responses, and finish off any points I left bare in this one. Like before, there’s a textual summary past the break if you need to read up on anything! Enjoy!