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General Nintendo

PES 2013 was on the Wii (and 3DS) last year. Will the series finally make the jump to the Wii U?

Nintendo will be bringing some of its E3 2013 demos to over 100 Best Buy locations next month, but it’s limited to just two days. Nintendo World Store, meanwhile, will allow fans to get a taste of these titles for five days. This will begin on June 11, according to the store’s official Twitter account.

Here’s the relevant tweet in full:


Skylanders has been a massive success in the video game space, but Activision has no plans to bring the IP to other entertainment areas. Activision’s VP of consumer marketing John Coyne told MCV that the company isn’t considering a TV show or movie at the moment.

He said:

“Kids, when they see the new toys, it is a new form of content for them. My own son, when he gets a new Giant, he naturally wants to go and play levels he has already played, but with a new character to see what it can do. In terms of a TV show or a movie, no there are not any plans. We believe the game is the entertainment. You talk to kids who are real fans of the franchise, and they will be able to tell you Gill Grunt’s powers, backstory, what his friends are and generally what’s going on in the world of Skylanders. The same sort of things that they are able to articulate around a TV show or a movie.”

VP of Activision’s business unit Joshua Taub also said: “The video game is the movie.”


Second-Screen Gaming Takes Center Stage


Nintendo is bringing its Wii U console to Downtown Disney in Anaheim, Calif., as part of a six-city tour to give people a chance to experience second-screen gaming for themselves. The tour is free and open to the public, and will include hands-on time with a wide selection of Wii U games, including Nintendo Land™, New Super Mario Bros.™U, LEGO®City Undercover, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate from Capcom and Need for Speed Most Wanted U from Electronic Arts. (Playable games may vary by location.)

Visitors of the tour will be able to play all these Wii U games in a comfortable, living room setting surrounded by backdrops of some of Nintendo’s most beloved characters. Visitors can even pose for pictures with props from various Nintendo franchises and Tweet photos of the event with a unique hashtag to receive a special gift while supplies last.

Nintendo of Canada’s Facebook page reveals the locations that will house playable demos of the Big N’s E3 2013 games.

Here’s the lineup:

Ontario: North York, Toronto, Mississauga, Windsor, London, Ottawa, Kingston, Brampton, Oakville
Quebec: Montreal, Lasalle
Manitoba: Winnipeg
Saskatchewan: Saskatoon
Alberta: Edmonton, Calgary (2 locations)
British Columbia: Vancouver, Langley, Richmond
Nova Scotia: Dartmouth

Nintendo shared the listing for US Best Buy locations earlier today. That can be found here.


The Super Mario Bros. film legacy lives on. Twenty years after its release, a comic has been produced that takes place directly after the movie.

This is something that has been in the works for two years, believe it or not. The comic highlights “new locations and creatures inspired by the games, yet adapted in the film’s unique cyberpunk style.”

You can find the first few pages in the gallery above. Additional pages are on the way.

Source, Via

A new report claims that Ubisoft is creating a brand new, realistic racing franchise known as “The Crew”, with a reveal planned for E3 2013. It’s rumored to be in the works for both next-gen and current-gen consoles.

Ubisoft Reflections is said to be heavily involved with The Crew. Ivory Studios is apparently contributing to development as well.


“The Wii U GPU is several generations ahead of the current gen. It allows many things that were not possible on consoles before. If you develop for Wii U you have to take advantage of these possibilities, otherwise your performance is of course limited. Also your engine layout needs to be different. You need to take advantage of the large shared memory of the Wii U, the huge and very fast EDRAM section and the big CPU caches in the cores. Especially the workings of the CPU caches are very important to master. Otherwise you can lose a magnitude of power for cache relevant parts of your code. In the end the Wii U specs fit perfectly together and make a very efficient console when used right.”

– Shin’en’s Manfred Linzner

Shin’en is talking about something I’ve been putting out there for a while now: The Wii U’s architecture is fundamentally different from a PS4, PC, or any other console out there. You can’t use the same “engine layout” (as they put it) and get the results you want, so if you want to get the most out of the console you have to be able to put in the extra effort to make an engine that takes advantage of what its strengths are. This is a huge reason why we aren’t seeing third party, multiplatform support on Wii U, and why we generally haven’t seen it on past Nintendo systems.

Via HDWarriors

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