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Fae Farm Steamed Fish

Steamed Fish is one of the easier and more convenient recipes to craft in Fae Farm, and we’ll tell you how to make it.

There are a wide variety of meals that you can prepare in the game to restore your stamina and, in some cases, provide some useful temporary bonuses. Steamed Fish restores 50 Energy and requires two ingredients that are relatively easy to acquire. You’ll also need to prepare five of them for the main quest “A Watery Wonder” which you’ll acquire once you reach the bottom of Saltwater Mines.

fae farm how to get to fae acres

One of the more significant aspects of Fae Farm is the Fae Acres location, and we’ll explain how you can get it in our latest guide.

Farming and crafting are two key gameplay aspects of Fae Farm, and you’re not limited to just one home: shortly after completing Saltwater Mines you’ll get access to a second Homestead right above your first one. Once you clear the second dungeon, Floating Ruins, you’ll gain access to another home, the Fae Acres.

Fae Farm copper ore

In this guide for Fae Farm we’ll tell you what Copper Ore is and how to find it so that you can craft items like Copper Ingots, seals, and upgrade your tools.

fae farm arugula

In this guide for Fae Farm we’ll tell you what arugula is and where to find it so that you can continue your journey in the land of Azoria.

Pokemon Scarlet Violet Syrupy Apples and Dipplin location evolve

In this guide for the The Teal Mask, the first part of The Hidden Treasures of Area Zero DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, we’ll tell you where to find the Syrupy Apple and its specific location so that you can evolve Applin into Dipplin.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Poltchageist location

Following the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet‘s new DLC, we’ve created a guide to help you find out where you can find Poltchageist with its exact location. Remember that the creature just debuted in The Teal Mask.

Fae Farm flower breeding

In this guide for Fae Farm we’ll walk you through flower breeding, so you can have a garden of multi-colored flowers from the basic seeds within a few days. You’ll just need to go through a few easy steps that we’ve outlined below.

Fae Farm how to upgrade tools

In this guide for Fae Farm we’ll tell you how to upgrade your tools and other equipment, including your Fishing Rod, Critter Net, and Magic Staff, so you’ll be able to more efficiently carry out your daily tasks as you dive deeper into the mysteries of Azoria.

To help cut back on the gold grinding in Fae Farm, we’ve written a guide to tell you how you can earn thousands of florins within a single day with little effort. All of this can be done within the first few hours of starting the story.

Just starting out in Sea of Stars? We’ve put together a small, spoiler-free guide of tips and tricks to help you get started as you explore the game.

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