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General Nintendo

There is an amazing little video game fact buried in the ZombiU Iwata Asks that has gone unnoticed, for the most part.

Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, formerly the president of HAL, revealed how the company was named after IBM. He said that “HAL was named as such because each letter put us one step ahead of IBM”.

Here’s the relevant blurb from the discussion:


I feel like we were thinking in just the same way, but in totally different countries. (Laughs) I also started from a very small software development company.


We were inspired to aim big by the small yet dynamic world that was the early days of the gaming industry.


We were exactly the same in that sense. Ubisoft was named after Ubiquity because you wanted to be everywhere in the world and HAL was named as such because each letter put us one step ahead of IBM! (Laughs)


There are a whole bunch of quotes from Nintendo president Satoru Iwata below. You’ll find talk about Wii U’s day-one update, which Iwata regrets, Zelda and Mario for Wii U, working with third-party developers and publishers, and more.

Head past the break for the quotes. Believe me, you’ll want to read this stuff.

Barnes & Noble posted the cover for The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia Limited Collector’s Edition. Take a look at the image below:

The gold nunchuck has sold out on Club Nintendo twice now. Those who missed out on the reward will be pleased to hear that the reward will come back in stock for a third time in 2013. A specific date hasn’t been announced, but Nintendo of America’s Twitter account stated that it will be back “after the New Year.”


The gold nunchuck is already sold out on Club Nintendo. If I’m remembering correctly, it went off the site much quicker than the first time the reward was made available. Hopefully those who were interested in the special nunchuck submitted their orders yesterday…


Before you scroll past because you have no idea what that is, Kunio-kun is the Japanese name for the series that spawned River City Ransom, Super Dodgeball, and Nintendo World Cup. So what does it mean that a teaser page for the series has been put up by Arc System Works?

It’s hard to say, but the last game released in this conglomerate series was a remake of Renegade on 3DS last year. That game has yet to come out outside of Japan.

Via Siliconera

Dark Horse has officially confirmed The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia Collector’s Edition (or limited edition – a couple of names are being thrown around) yesterday. It will be a truly limited item, as only 4,000 copies will be produced.

As we mentioned a couple of days ago, it includes a special faux-leather hardcover and gold gilded pages.

The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia Collector’s Edition will officially ship on February 12. Most retailers will be selling the art book for $69.99.


Eligible Club Nintendo members should be on the lookout for their Platinum rewards. Nintendo finally started to ship out the items today. Presumably the Gold rewards should be on their way out as well.

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