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General Nintendo

01Net is at it once again. The site has released a third Nintendo article today, though this time it doesn’t focus on a particular system. You can find some of the more interesting pieces from the report below.

To be honest, I’m having a very hard time believing this round of speculation. That’s what the rumor tag is for, I suppose!

Konami is holing a press conference tomorrow, yet we don’t know much about it. Other than New Love Plus, the company hasn’t announced which titles will be presented nor have they said when the event will begin.

Famitsu confirmed that bundles will be available for New Love Plus, so that’s one possible announcement for the conference. But one would think that there will be announcements about other Konami titles as well.


A new article on The Wall Street Journal (registration required) seems to confirm that Nintendo’s rumored September event will indeed take place on the 13th. The site says that it’ll be called the Nintendo Conference, a trade show that is “open to industry people, analysts, investors and journalists, but not to consumers.” So we can expect the same deal as last year’s event.

We’ve already heard that a big announcement is planned, but perhaps it won’t necessarily be on the 3DS as this is called the “Nintendo Conference”. But I have to admit that the 3DS is probably the safest bet for a huge reveal.


We now have a follow-up report on Nintendo’s rumored September 13 event. Inside Games is adding to the speculation, claiming that their sources say that an extremely big title will be announced next month. They aren’t sure if the reveal will be taking place on September 13, however, nor do they know if that’s when the rumored 3DS conference will take place. It does seem that the event will be taking place sometime in September though.


The way I see it, there are two parts to making a game: Making the gameplay, and making the atmosphere. These two parts are integral to any great game design, but each one encompasses a totally different set of things. Gameplay includes things like controls, level design, etc, while the atmosphere can encompass everything from the graphics to the music, to the sound effects and character animations. Both are important parts of game design, and when a developer can bring together a perfect balance of the two, we get games that are so full of magic and wonder, we feel like we can never put them down. These, in my opinion, are games like The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, and Banjo Kazooie.


Will this video be taken down? Let’s watch and see!

Level-5’s annual “Vision” is seeing a significant expansion this year. What was once a press-only affair is now a free event – called Level-5 World – for everyone to attend and try out some of the company’s future releases.

The Level-5 World teaser site is open, which you can access here. We’ll likely receive updates on Fantasy Life, Time Travelers, and perhaps even Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright.

Level-5 World will be taking place on October 15 and October 16.


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