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General Nintendo

Update: Added a couple of photos.

You know we’re desperate for Nintendo’s E3 2011 briefing to begin when we start posting boxes. But yes, someone has come across cases and boxes for Nintendo, which I assume houses all sorts of goodies. Might Project Cafe consoles be inside one of those boxes?


GameTrailers’ Skyward Sword demo won’t be the only Nintendo-related item they’ll be featuring on Tuesday. Following the Big N’s conference, they’ll also have an interview with Nintendo of America’s head honcho, Reggie Fils-Aime.

Hopefully Geoff Keighley won’t have to ask Reggie why Animal Crossing was the only “hardcore” game announced for Project Cafe. I kid, but I’m sure you all remember when Reggie hyped up a big, hardcore title for E3 2008, but that project turned out to be Animal Crossing: City Folk. Yeah, that E3 was kind of a disaster.

Anyway, before I digress too much, here’s the official description of GameTrailers’ Nintendo coverage on Tuesday:

“11:00AM PDT
Reggie, Zelda, NGP and More
Streaming Live on

The big man Reggie Fils-Aime meets up with Geoff – and this time it’s live! You don’t want to miss this interview. Plus, the first ever demo of THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: SKYWARD SWORD


This show wasn’t what I was expecting. It wasn’t live, and there was no Tak Fujii appearance! On the bright side, we did receive a new Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D trailer.


Does IGN know something we don’t about Nintendo’s presence at E3? That might possible, based on a tease from Rich George.

Of course, Nintendo will have a presentation on Tuesday, followed by a developer’s roundtable later in the day. But it sounds like there could be another round of significant news from Nintendo on Wednesday.

George wrote in a recent article:

“This year, expect to hear news outside of the press conference. Not only in the form of impressions, videos and a few interviews, but I would make sure you’re checking the IGN Nintendo sites on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. I will have live blogs fired up.”

As far as I’m aware, Nintendo has never delivered any additional news the day following their conference. You have to wonder what they have planned…

Kid Icarus: Uprising producer Masahiro Sakurai has posted a photo of his E3 2011 badge on his Twitter account. While that alone probably isn’t much to get excited about, it does hint that a reveal for Zelda’s 25th anniversary is imminent. The badge also, expectedly, has a Skyward Sword theme, so that title will definitely be making an appearance as well.

Yesterday, Eiji Aonuma said that he’d be making an announcement about the franchise at E3. However, it isn’t clear if he implied that it’ll be specifically about a new game, or something else entirely.

We’ll only have to wait a few days longer to find out what Nintendo has in store for the series’ anniversary.


Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Computer Entertainment worldwide studios, believes that the NGP has no clear competitor, including the 3DS. In Yoshida’s mind, Nintendo’s portable “feels like an update of the DS”. Remember when he said that it would be great to work with Nintendo to promote 3D? Yeah, I don’t think that’ll be happening. I doubt Satoru Iwata will appreciate someone calling his new system an “updated 3DS”.

Well, at least Yoshida said that they have a common enemy: cheap mobile games.

You can read Yoshida’s comments on the 3DS and cheap mobile games below.

“There’s no one clear competitor in terms of what NGP offers. NGP’s going to establish itself as the unique thing that people want to have. NGP cannot be placed against smartphones. You can’t make phone calls on it and it’s too big to fit into your pocket. Compared to 3DS, it was very interesting – when we were designing the NGP we had no idea what Nintendo was going to do. Aside from the 3D stereoscopic display, they seem to be keeping the same theme that they had with the DS – it feels like an update of the DS to me. Lots of choices we made were so different from their choices. It’s kind of hard to compare the two, aside from the fact that both of them are dedicated gaming platforms. We are dealing with the same issue that Nintendo is. It’s up to content publishers, including ourselves, to show people that this is worth £25 or £30 as opposed to 59p. You cannot release the same content that you put on the iPhone for a dollar on to NGP or some other consoles and expect people to pay 20 times that.”


During Satoru Iwata’s GDC speech back in March, Nintendo’s president teased news regarding Zelda’s 25th anniversary. Unfortunately, Iwata only said that Shigeru Miyamoto has been working on a plan to allow all lovers of the franchise to celebrate together.

That was quite a mysterious statement, and fans have been left wondering what it could mean. Thankfully they won’t have to wait much longer to find out what Nintendo has up their sleeves.

Famitsu held a live-stream of a Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D preview with Eiji Aonuma earlier today. Although most of the time was spent previewing the upcoming 3DS title, Aonuma apparently said that anniversary plans for Zelda will be shared at E3. I missed most of the event and I don’t speak Japanese, so I can’t confirm the rumor. But it would most definitely make sense to feature the news at E3, especially if it’s a new game.

Anyone want to take a guess as to what they’re working on?


Square Enix have started their prepartions for this year’s E3. The company has opened an official site for the trade show today. Although it’s barren at the moment, the site promises daily updates and news. Square Enix’s E3 2011 lineup will most likely be revealed for the end of the week.


This information comes from Q-Games’ Dylan Cuthbert…

“E3 coming up… it’s exciting! Three of our games are at the show! That has to be some kind of record for a small company like Q right?”

Out of those three games, it’d be great if at least one of them is Nintendo-related. Q-Games has collaborated with Nintendo in the past. Most recently, the company released three titles for the DSiWare service.


May’s NPD figures, which would have been released on June 9, will now instead be available on the 13th. The delay makes quite a bit of sense, as the report would have been published right in the middle of E3.

Keep in mind that the date has simply been pushed back a few days. Nothing else has changed. In other words, the reporting period is still the same. May’s NPD will cover all data received from 1 May to 28 May.


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