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General Nintendo

While it isn’t completely Nintendo-related, you will find a few GoldenEye and Perfect Dark references in the video above!

Thanks to JT for the tip!

Some games are missing from the video, but most of you will probably enjoy it nonetheless!

Thanks to Dorky Dork for the tip!


Super Mario Bros. Premium Terrycloth Towels
Some of your favorite characters, including Mario™ and Goomba are part of a collectible set of hand towels.

• 100% Cotton Terrycloth
• Dimensions: Approx. 9.8 x 9.8 inches

350 coins each

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Screensaver

Features artwork from this epic game, including clouds moving across a travel map background, and a showcase of monsters and characters!

• Select Mac or PC version of screensaver to download
• File size is 5.8 MB (PC and Mac)
• System Requirements: Windows 7/Vista/XP/NT/2000/Me/98/95, Flash Player 9; Mac 10.4 or later/9, Flash Player 9; 300 MB free hard disk space
• Recommended Environment: CPU Windows Intel Pentium 4 or more, Mac Intel Core Duo processor or more; Memory 512 MB or more

10 coins

View the rewards here

Much like the Chrono Trigger marriage proposal from 2008, Matt modified a copy of Earthbound in order to ask his new fiancé, Liz, to marry him during the “EarthBound Fanfest.” It’s pretty sweet – The dog was there to celebrate as well!

This information comes straight from Danny Bilson’s Twitter account. Bilson is THQ’s core games VP…

“Big game announcement at VGA award show. Trying to keep the press release from sounding “corporate lame”, because the game is anything but.”

There are a number of possibilities as to what the title might be. It could be Guillermo Del Toro’s new project, or a new game that THQ recently teased for Wii/Move/Kinect. Or it might be something completely different. We’ll find out for sure in less than two weeks!


“We dumped that license because we felt like we needed to own more intellectual property, and we don’t like where James Bond is going with all the creative limitations on it. The percentage royalties you have to pay the licensors are going the wrong way for publishers. The margins are being squeezed. And, to top it all off, the movie-game business is falling apart. Considering the total amount of money we have to spend on those types of James Bond games, and the total amount of man-hours we had to put into them, we thought, hell, let’s work on our own IP. The guys who made James Bond games for us, well yeah, they went on and made Dead Space, and look where we are now; what would you rather publish, retail and play – the latest James Bond or Dead Space 2?”

I have no problem with movie games so long as they’re good games! Problem is, there aren’t too many good movie games out there. I’d definitely support new IPs over movie games, though! It’s good to see EA is in agreement.

Via The Escapist

This information comes from Warren Spector…

“I would really like to do a Duck Tales game. I love the Duck Tales TV show, but even more people who love them need to go back and rediscover Carl Barks, who is the greatest comic book writer and artist of all time, ever, anywhere in the world. Carl Barks is number one and about half of the Duck Tales stories were based on Carl Barks’ comic books. I want to do a Duck Tales game real bad. I don’t know if Disney will let me do it. And the Gremlins, too.”

Jeez, I feel like we’re always hearing about how Warren Spector wants to create a new DuckTales game. Make it happen, Disney!


Professor Ryuta Kawashima has revealed that a new Brain Age game is in the works. Concrete details about the project have yet to be shared, however. He hasn’t been given the go-ahead to speak about the title, and the only piece of information Kawashima divulged is that it’s scheduled to be released in 2010.

Even with that bit of news in mind, it’s still possible that the game will end up on the 3DS. At first, the system was on track to be released in Japan this year, so Kawashima may have been unaware of the 3DS’s new launch date.


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