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General Nintendo

It’s tough to believe, but the Nintendo 64 was the only main Nintendo console to never receive a Metroid title. There have been a few notes here and there about a possible game for the system, but recently Metroid co-creator shared some very interesting information. In an interview with GamesTM, Sakamoto stated that he thought about creating a new entry in the franchise for the N64. However, he wasn’t ready to take on the challenge of making a 3D Metroid at the time. Nintendo actually asked another company to consider developing a Metroid title for the system, but they turned down the offer as well, as they lacked confidence that they could live up to expectations set by Super Metroid.

“I was actually thinking about the possibility of making a Metroid game for N64 but I felt that I shouldn’t be the one making the game. When I held the N64 controller in my hands I just couldn’t imagine how it could be used to move Samus around. So for me it was just too early to personally make a 3D Metroid at that time. Also, I know this is isn’t a direct answer to your question but Nintendo at that time approached another company and asked them if they would make an N64 version of Metroid and their response was that no, they could not. They turned it down, saying that unfortunately they didn’t have the confidence to create an N64 Metroid game that could compare favourably with Super Metroid. That’s something I take as a complement to what we achieved with Super Metroid.”

Twenty-five years ago today, Nintendo’s original Super Mario Bros.™ video game made its debut in Japan and changed the world of video games forever. Since then, Mario™ has become one of the most renowned and beloved video game characters around the globe.

Mario is all but synonymous with Nintendo. It’s difficult to think of one without thinking of the other. Super Mario Bros. contains a magical blend of characters, graphics, challenges, music and action that still captivates players today. The original game sold 40.24 million units worldwide, and remains one of the best-known, best-loved video games in the world. It popularized the side-scrolling format and established elements of the Mushroom Kingdom that are still used in today’s Mario games. Super Mario Bros. frequently appears on lists of the best games of all time.

This information comes from Capcom Europe’s Twitter…

“Tokyo Game Show this week. If i had to guess at the Capcom announcements I’d guess at 4 new games announced and some new MvsC3 characters.”

Well, that’s a pretty odd statement. This just makes you think that Capcom Europe doesn’t really know anything about what’s happening at TGS… Unless they’re just trying to confuse people! If there really are four announcements planned, though, it’s possible that one of the projects could wind up on a Nintendo platform.


– Sine Mora not being in WiiWare is Digital Reality decision
– Suda51 wasn’t sure how charging the laser katana in No More Heroes would be received by fans, but everyone loved it
– He believes you have to be able to take risks
– Extravagance is important to make a difference, but passion is even more important
– Suda51 has good ideas for the 3DS, but won’t give away any secrets so that other developers won’t use them
– He’s gotten the impression from publishers that there will be greater importance on collecting items on the 3DS
– Grashopper Manufacture was not involved with putting No More Heroes on platforms other than the Wii
– In fact, Suda51 said it wasn’t something they wanted to see happen especially (No More Heroes on other consoles)
– Suda51 once again expressed interest in continuing No More Heroes on the Wii’s successor
– Suda51 hopes Grasshopper can become bigger to make the No More Heroes franchise even bigger
– Unclear if Suda 51/Mikami game will come to Wii, negotiations are going on with EA, it’s up to EA

Source 1, Source 2

Have you ever been interested in starring in a Nintendo commercial? Well, today’s your chance! Nintendo is looking for a group of people/families to be a part of upcoming TV spots. The main point of the campaign is to get participants to share their ideas for a party, and why they’re interested hosting a Wii Party party. You can check out additional details on the flier below, but be aware that today’s the last day to enter.

Thanks to our Nintendo representative for the tip!

??? nintendo
??2010-057057 ??????????????
??2010-058954 ?????????????????????????????

??2010-056129 ????? (Taiko no Tatsujin )
??2010-056507 ???????? (browser quest)
??2010-056508 ????
??2010-056890 ??????????????????????????
??2010-056891 ???????
??2010-057638 ????????????
??2010-057639 ??????????
??2010-057640 ????????????
??2010-057641 ??????????
??2010-058019 ?????????
??2010-058521 ??????????????????????????????
??2010-058522 §????????

??2010-056849 ??????? (boku no densha, my tram)
??2010-057683 ?????????????????

??2010-056172 ??????????????
??2010-057113 §????????????
??2010-057457 ??????????
??2010-059134 §????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

??2010-056585 ????
??2010-056586 ???????????? (communication laboratory)

level 5
??2010-058792 ???????? Inazuma Japan

??2010-058283 ????
??2010-058284 ??????????


Wondering how Final Fantasy got its name? Fortunately for you, Square Enix Executive Producer Akitoshi Kawazu recently went through a quick rundown of how the title came to be. Interestingly, Kawazu mentioned that “Fighting Fantasy” was one possibility that could have been used, but Square Enix decided against it because Steve Jackson was already using the name.

“It was something that was decided a long time ago, so my memory might be a bit faulty, but I think one of the things we had decided up front was that we wanted a title that could be abbreviated as FF. That abbreviation has special meaning. So we came up with many different titles, and Final Fantasy was one of them. From there, I think we were quick to make the call. There were some concerns about calling something ‘final’ from the get-go, but in the end we all warmed up to it. On a side note, one other option we liked was Fighting Fantasy, but it was the name of a game-book series by legendary game designer Steve Jackson, so we canned the idea. I wonder what would have happened if we didn’t realize this and went with the Fighting Fantasy option.”

This information comes from Yoshio Sakamoto…

“At Nintendo we always have the obligation to surprise users with a new game console. We have never done what others have. We prefer to create something new that catches attention, and I think this will continue this time as well. Surely the new Nintendo machine will leave you all with your mouth open.”

I don’t know how much Sakamoto really knows about the Big N’s next console, but Nintendo employees always say that they hope their hardware will surprise people. I’d definitely say a lot of people were surprised by the 3DS – The 3D itself, how well the 3D works, the system’s graphics and features, etc. I’m sure the Wii’s successor will impress gamers as well!


Best weapon: Ice beam
Most dramatic moment: The baby Metroid’s sacrifice
Best enemy: Metroid
Best secret: Samus is a woman
Best armor: Varia Suit from Super Metroid
Best Ridley: Meta Ridley
Best boss: The Metroid Prime
Best ability: Spider ball
Best self-destruct escape: Finale of Super Metroid
Best ship: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Best tune: Main theme from Metroid
Best ending: Metroid: Zero Mission

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