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General Nintendo

Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Thanks to Allen for the news tip!

“Iwata-San only ever invests in something he can guarantee will work for a Nintendo audience. 3DV showed off a camera that detected motion in 3D, and had voice recognition – but Iwata-San was unconvinced he could sell it at a Nintendo price point. He also had some worries around latency during gameplay.” – a top insider at Nintendo’s Japan HQ

This isn’t the first time we’ve heard about Nintendo turning down Natal-like features. Last year, Iwata told that a camera was considered for the Wii, but Nintendo ultimately decided against using such technology.


This information comes from Geoff Keighley’s Twitter…

“This week on GTTV — global announcement of next title from Platinum Games inside the show!…And yes, you’ll get an exclusive trailer for the Platinum Games title.”

Unfortunately, with these types of teasers, it is never clear if it’ll be Nintendo related. Anything that Platinum Games creates is worth checking out, though!

While scrolling through the Wii News Channel this morning, I stumbled upon a news article that is one of many that continuously have me baffled. Apparently, 30-year-old Michael Ray Ekes was arrested for grand theft auto this past Thursday. Ironically, when deputies went in his house, they found Ekes playing the video game Grand Theft Auto (it didn’t say which). What bothers me about this is that the press continuously tries to connect the playing of video games to committing crimes, which is definitely a false connection! Does anyone else get annoyed when critics of video games do this?

Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Nintendo of America has filed a new trademark for Luigi’s Masnion, which does not have any connection to the title for the GameCube. It’s possible that Nintendo will be releasing a New Play Control! version of the game. Or, if we’re lucky, perhaps Nintendo Dream will unveil in their next issue. A man can dream, can’t he?!


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This information comes from SEGA’s official Twitter…

“Nothing concrete is really known about the game yet is it? It could be on anything!…Nothing is ever confirmed until we confirmed it.”

SEGA wouldn’t say if Project Needlemouse will be coming to Wii last year and, as you can see, they’re still not ready to talk. Hopefully we’ll hear something from the company soon.

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