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This may be a bit surprising to hear, but Rabbids Land actually hasn’t come out in Japan yet. That will change on June 6, when Ubisoft finally ships the game.

His words, not mine:

“I think going back to the core essence, I used to be an assassin and that really reflects on what kind of games I want to make. [Laughs] I’m sorry, that’s me just being jetlagged. When you defeat an enemy, that equals death. If defeat equals death and you’re thinking about the fine line between living and dying, to express that in an action-oriented game an assassin makes it much easier to express that.”

– Grasshopper Manufacturer’s Suda51

Well, that’s certainly a Suda-like thing to say! But of course he was joking, and I’ll admit I’m not sure I follow his reasoning for using assassins over other types of characters fully, since it sounds like a non-assassin would be equally as effective in expressing the fine line between life and death… his games are great though, so I’m just going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume I’m missing something!

Via Siliconera

Runner2’s patch has officially launched on Wii U. The download should begin automatically when booting up the game.

Developer Gaijin Games confirmed the patch’s arrival through a Twitter update:

Among other things, Runner2’s patch addresses lock-up/crashing issues. Visit this link for the full update notes.


The following Rock Band Music Store songs will be made available on April 2:

  • Don McClean – “American Pie” – keyboard support

Each song can be purchased for $1.99/£.99/€1.49/160 Microsoft Points/200 Wii Points.

And that’s it, folks! No more Rock Band downloadable content after April 2.

Source: Harmonix PR

Wii U can run Unreal Engine 3 just fine. But Unreal Engine 4? That’s out of the question.

When asked if Unreal Engine 4 would be possible on the system, Epic co-founder Mark Rein said:

“Hahaha no. I mean, sorry, it’s not really a correct answer. We’re not… we have Unreal Engine 3 for the Wii U. Right? And Unreal Engine 3 is powering all kinds of amazing games, still lots of games are being made with Unreal Engine 3. We announced today about a new Unreal Engine 3 license. Unreal Engine 3 doesn’t disappear because of Unreal Engine 4. But our goal for Unreal Engine 4 console-wise is next-gen consoles. That’s really what our energies are focused on. If you want to make a Wii U game, we have Unreal Engine 3, and it’s powering some of the best games on the Wii U already. Nothing controversial, guys.”

Given that a good amount of games will be making use of Unreal Engine 4 and other high-tech engines going forward, the Wii U may end up receiving even less third-party support in a couple of years than it is now. Still, I don’t think that many will be surprised by Rein’s remarks.


Namco Bandai has opened an official site for its new 3DS game Toriko: Gourmet ga Battle. Access it here.

Only a few details about the latest Toriko title are known thus far. You can find some tibits here.

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