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With the launch of Devil Survivor Overclocked just on the horizon in Europe, we can now turn our attention to another Shin Megami Tensei game that has not yet been released in the continent: Devil Survivor 2.

Things are a bit more complicated with Devil Survivor 2 than they were with Overclocked. Devil Survivor 2 is a DS game, and as European publisher Ghostlight said on its blog, “retail support for DS titles is understandably low at the moment making it difficult for us to release the title.”

Don’t lose hope, European gamers! Ghostlight did note that the company is “currently looking into several different ways of making this fantastic game available to you all.” It may opt to prepare a special release exclusively through Ghostlight’s online store, but nothing has been set in stone just yet.

“Currently the European version of the game is finished and has been approved for release by Nintendo. However, without going into too much detail, retail support for DS titles is understandably low at the moment making it difficult for us to release the title. We haven’t given up though and we’re currently looking into several different ways of making this fantastic game available to you all. One way that I’ve heard being discussed on the Ghostlight grapevine is that we may release a Collector’s Edition of the game exclusively through our website which will mean we’d need your full support in making this release happen. I’ve probably said too much already, but you can expect more news on this in the coming weeks.”

Source, Via

Famitsu published a lengthy roundup of its readers’ top games of 2012 in its latest issue. Users have been sending in ratings between 1 and 10 on a weekly basis, and the results were finally compiled by the magazine this week.

The full results are posted below. Some of the selections and rankings may surprise you!

Assassin’s Creed creator Patrice Desilets left Ubisoft a few years ago. But now that THQ is no more and its assets have been sold off, Desilets has returned to the place where he started.

It has been confirmed today that Desilets is once again working for Ubisoft, as THQ Montreal was taken in by the publisher. In January, when asked about his status, Ubisoft said that it was “too soon to say for certain” if Desilets would be back for another stint with the company.

A spokesperson said in a statement:

“We are very pleased to welcome Patrice to Ubisoft again and anticipate that this renewed partnership will produce new ideas and high-quality titles for Ubisoft’s customers.”

Desilets is hard at work on two projects: 1666 and a mysterious game codenamed Underdog. Neither title has been revealed as of yet.


The Fast & Furious: Showdown speculation was spot on. Activision is bringing the game to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U in just a couple of months.

Listings on EB Games Australia’s website indicates that Fast & Furious will launch in mid-May. The retailer specifically lists a May 15 release date for the Wii U version and a May 22 date for the PS3 and 360 editions.

EB Games Australia has also revealed the first Fast & Furious: Showdown information through its product listings. For all of the details, head past the break.

Disney Infinity won’t be making its original June release. The game has been pushed back to August 18 in North America while most internetional territories will be getting it on August 20. A confirmed date of August 23 has been set for the UK.

Speaking about the decision to move Disney Infinity’s release, Disney Interactive co-president John Pleasants said:

“We could deliver in June if we wanted to. Will a two-month timing change help us? Sure, of course. It gives us a little more time to add bells and whistles and make sure it really sings and pops.”

Pleasants added in another statement that Disney hopes “to capitalize on the critical fall retail season.”

“We have moved the launch date for Disney Infinity to August 18 to capitalize on the critical fall retail season.”

Source 1, Source 2, Via

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