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Resident Evil: Revelations HD will support GamePad and Wii U Pro Controller options. What players won’t be able to do is control the game with a Wiimote and nunchuck.

Capcom’s Mike Lumm wrote on Capcom-Unity:

“Unfortunately [Revelations] is only supported by the Wii-U gamepad at the moment. We’re doing what we can to get the new classic controller compatibility, but the game’s not setup to track motions from the wii-remote at this time.”

Wouldn’t it be neat to see a Wiimote and nunchuk setup through a patch? The wording of “at this time” doesn’t shut the door on the possibility completely…

Source, Via

Warner Bros. and NetherRealm Studios will be pulling back the curtain on yet another new Injustice: Gods Among Us character tomorrow. Creative director Ed Boon writes on Twitter that the reveal is for a “big” addition to the lineup.

In announcing the new character, a video will be released featuring both gameplay and story cut-scenes.


During its investors call last week, Ubisoft provided an update about its financial status regarding Wii U.

CEO Yves Guillemot started out by noting the console’s “slow launch”. While the company is “satisfied by our market share in the US and Europe”, Guillemot said that its “performance was impacted by low-tie ratios.”

A slew of new first-party Wii U titles were announced during a Nintendo Direct last month. Guillemot feels that some of these releases will “boost its potential.”

“Regarding Wii U, while we are satisfied by our market share in the US and Europe – at respectively 20% and 27% – our performance was impacted by low-tie ratios. Nintendo has recently announced the coming release of some of their great brands on Wii U, and we believe it will boost its potential.”

Maestro Interactive Games has three Wii U eShop titles in the pipeline. Along with the previously announced Super Ubi Land made by Notion Games, Maestro has announced Fade into Darkness and Cosmic Highway for the platform.

Fade into Darkness’ first trailer will debut during GDC. Cosmic Highway will also be getting a trailer during Maestro’s Kickstarter campaign.


Zen Studios will have information about the Wii U version of Star Wars Pinball (which will be heading to Zen Pinball 2) in the future.

If you listen to the podcast you know that I go on reddit quite a bit, and today while surfing along the front page I noticed that in the Wii U subreddit people were discussing how Ancel and his crew are protesting the delay of Rayman: Legends. The top comment in that thread? Someone was trying to get an online protest going that they wonderfully termed “We Love Rayman!”:

“I’ll be making a collage with everybody’s picture and send a thank you to Ubisoft’s developers. The point is to make an echo to Ubisoft, show we do support Rayman, just not their decision.” – Reddit user ‘SuitMyPants’, who has a great username

He asks that people send photos of themselves supporting Rayman to [email protected], and when he gets enough he’ll put them all together in a collage for the developers to see. I’m not sure if this will change Ubisoft’s decision (maybe we’ll get another exclusive demo!), but at least it’ll get them to think twice before doing something like this in the future!

Not to mention that it’ll give the developers a nice warm tingly feeling. Send your photos to the address above if you want to participate! And don’t use a bunch of swear words condemning Ubisoft. That’ll just make you seem like a big jerk who is full of baloney.

Via Reddit

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