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Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate is a 3DS exclusive. Perhaps that could change in the future, but this is where things stand at the moment.

Producer David Cox opened up on the decision to make Mirror of Fate while speaking with Pocket Gamer. It all came down to the 3DS’ implementation of 3D:

“The Vita could have run the game no problem, and we did seriously consider it as a [target] platform. But when we saw the game on 3DS and how it looked with the 3D, it made us realise we could never replicate that on another system.”

“I’m not knocking the Vita, but if we were to develop a game on that console, we would really focus on the Vita’s core strengths. The Vita game would be very different from a version for 3DS.”

Source, Via

We’re in year three of Activision’s Skylanders franchise. The publisher has released two different entries since 2011, starting with Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure. Swap Force, the latest title, is due out later this year.

There’s no question that Skylanders has been a mammoth money-maker for Activision. So it should come as no surprise that the company hopes to see its series last for 10 to 20 years.

Vice President of Skylanders business Joshua Taub told Joystiq:

“We have goals of making this a 10 to 20 year franchise that becomes a staple for kids.”


Another wave of updates have hit Miiverse today. Nintendo now has new guidelines for commenting, updated its terms of service, and plans to more directly inform users of happenings.

Here’s a summary:

– Receive updates directly from Nintendo
– These will be shown in a dedicated Miiverse community (can be accessed through User Menu)
– Nintendo will make announcements about changes to the service
– Tom (NOA) and Marty (NoE) will explain what to expect in Miiverse
– First update from Tom/Marty: talk about changes to the notification system
– Will receive messages when someone has decided to follow you
– After commenting on someone’s post, you will no longer get notifications from people who aren’t the original poster
– Can only post once every five minutes now
– Changes made to the Code of Conduct (“By Gamers, About Games” section)
– Nintendo doesn’t want off-topic posts any longer, don’t condone openly asking for friend requests or pushing for agreement on a certain topic


Nintendo is launching a new Wii U application in Japan today. The previously-announced Wii Street U can be downloaded for free through May 31.

A new Iwata Asks covering Wii Street U has been posted on Nintendo’s Japanese site here. Chances are you won’t be able to understand it, but here’s an amazing photo from the interview featuring Satoru Iwata:

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