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This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Software
Speed X 3D – 400 yen

Virtual Console
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! Harukanaru Kin Medal (Crash ‘n the Boys: Street Challenge, Famicom) – 500 yen

Video Content

Short 3DS Nintendo Direct
Balloon Fight Wii U VC video
GameCenter CX featuring Balloon Fight Wii U VC
Pachi Para 3D Deluxe Umi Monogatari – Pachi Pro F?un Rok Hana Kot? no Sh?bu Shi Tachi video
Speed X 3D video


The following quote comes from the brownie-loving community communicator over on the Activision community forums, A_Trey_U:

January 21st, 2013 11:51AM

We are wrapping up work on our next patch and hope to be submitting to Nintendo in the next day or two.

To those questioning our ability to get these out quicker, please understand that there is a process to this. Fixes have to be implemented by various people in the studio (all teams, not just the Wii U team), brought over to the Wii U, then tested thoroughly before the update can go to Nintendo. At that point, Nintendo spends time testing it on their end before releasing the patch to you.

Once Nintendo supplies us with a date that we can expect the patch to go live, I will publish another update. Sometimes they give us a few days warning, sometimes they give us a few hours warning. I will do the best I can to get you the information you are asking for in a timely manner.

This was posted on January 21st, so they have probably already submitted it to Nintendo, and we’ll likely hear an announcement about it within a week or two!

Via Activision Community

I made this video back on Wednesday (hence why it sounds like I thought the Nintendo Direct was “today”) but neglected to put it up because I feel as though its production values are rather low. Still, I think I trust you guys to be able to look passed the low recording quality and poor editing just this once to see the point I’m trying to make. What’s the point I’m trying to make?

Xenoblade is way more colorful (and in my opinion better looking) than Monolith Soft’s new game “X”. I think “X” looks like baloney visually, even if the game will be good for other aspects.

We have one or two more features coming today and this is the least important of them so I’m just tossing it up in the afternoon willy nilly. Expect a new ‘Two People Playin’ Games’ beta episode and a new ‘Here’s a Podcast’ later tonight!

Tomm Hulett spend the past six years of his career working at Konami. He has now moved on to WayForward as a director with the studio.

Gamers may best know Hulett as the producer of Silent Hill’s most recent releases. Hulett also contributed to Rocket Knight and Contra 4.

Source, Via 1, Via 2

Given how Tomb Raider’s launch is on the horizon – it’s coming out on March 5 – it’s safe to say that it won’t be heading to Wii U. That means Straight Right’s secret Wii U port for Square Enix is a different game.

But why isn’t Tomb Raider coming to Wii U? Creative director Noah Hughes explained:

The 3DS Virtual Console release of Super C is far from a straight port of the original. Along with 2-player download play, Super C also contains a Spectator mode. This feature allows one person to play the game while another watches.


On Monday, Nintendo will carry out “emergency” maintenance for its various online services. The Wii U eShop, 3DS eShop, DSi Shop, and Wii Shop Channel will all be inaccessible. Additionally, the Pokemon Black/White and Pokemon Black/White 2 services will be affected, as will Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper’s online functionality.

Most of the maintenance will start and end on Monday. The full downtime listings can be found below.

This month’s Game Informer review scores are as follows:

DmC Devil May Cry – 9.0
Guardians of Middle-earth – 7.5
Ni no Kuni – 7.0
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn – 8.5
Skulls of the Shogun – 8.5
Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault – 7.5
Transformers Prime (Wii U) – 6.5
Little Inferno – 8.5
Planets Under Attack – 7.25
Chasing Aurora – 6.5
Rise of the Guardians – 6.5
Crashmo – 8.5
Tank! Tank! Tank! – 4.5
Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse – 4.5

Ever wanted to play solitaire on the Wii U? One website has now made it possible to do so.

Boot up your Wii U Internet browser and head on over to this link. You can then play the entire game right on the GamePad. Should be simple enough!

Source, Via

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