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In the past, Renegade Kid has expressed interest in making a first-person shooter for the 3DS eShop. This way the studio would have complete control over the IP and self-publishing would be possible.

Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham confirmed to Nintendo Force that the studio is in fact making a FPS for the 3DS’ online store. The only piece of information we have at the moment is that the untitled project is tentatively planned for the holiday season. Additional details may be revealed at PAX East in March.


Believe it or not, Mutant Mudds Deluxe will be Renegade Kid’s first console title. The studio has developed plenty of content for the 3DS/DS, but this will be its debut experience with a Nintendo home system.

Speaking with Nintendo Force, Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham explained the decision to bring Mutant Mudds Deluxe to Wii U:

“The thought of playing Mutant Mudds on an HDTV is a very exciting one for me. I have always been a huge fan of handheld gaming, but bringing the Mudds experience to the living room feels very grand. With the fact that Nintendo has been easy and awesome to work with in regards to the 3DS eShop, I knew that bringing Mutant Mudds to the Wii U eShop would be equally pleasurable.

“How accessible the hardware manufacturers make their digital outlets is a big deal for small developers, and Nintendo has proven that they understand that. Developing games is difficult enough without having to worry about the ‘shop’ you wish to sell it in.”

Watsham additionally touched on the new ghost levels in the game. He doesn’t have a concrete idea as to how the idea was born, but Super Mario World’s Ghost Houses may have provided some unconscious inspiration.

“My brain is full of Nintendo thoughts, and I can’t help but be inspired by the amazing games of Nintendo’s past. On a subconscious level the Ghost Houses from Super Mario World must have crept into my mind and spoke to me. I do not have any other explanation for why there are now ghosts in the game! Well, apart from the fact that ghosts are cool and add a nice sense of mystery and mischief.”


Warner Bros. now has a bunch of new Batman domain names in its possession. On January 10, numerous “Arkham”-related domains were registered.

The list in full: (Arkham Universe) (Batman Arkham Universe) (Batman Arkham Arises) (Batman Arkham Begins) (Batman Arkham Dark Knight) (Batman Arkham Knight) (Batman Arkham Legend) (Batman Arkham Legends) (Batman Arkham Night) (Batman Arkham Origins) (Batman Arkham Stories) (Dark Knight Arkham) (DC Arkham Universe) (DC Arkhamverse) (The Arkham Universe)

There are two likely possibilities here: either these domains tie-in to a new Arkham video game, or a movie of some sort. Then again, it’s also possible that the sites were registered for protective reasons.


On Twitter, one fan messaged Platinum Games’ Hideki Kamiya regarding an eShop release of the original Bayonetta. Kamiya responded by saying that such a decision would be up to SEGA/Nintendo.

Some Nintendo fans may not have had the chance to play the original Bayonetta, so bringing the first title to the eShop could be a smart move.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

Source, Via

This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Planetside 2 – 8
DmC Devil May Cry – 8
The Walking Dead – 8
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – 8
Ace of Spades – 4
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward – 7
Uncharted: Fight for Fortune – 5
Aero Porter – 7
QatQi – 8

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

ONM’s latest issue has started to reach subscribers, but it’s the magazine’s next edition that is receiving greater attention.

For its February issue, ONM teases:

“Are you scared? You should be… World Exclusive! The first look at a stunning new game.”

The teaser page additionally contains art depicting pipework and engineering. Some are now speculating that Resident Evil is on the way to Wii U.

Convieniently enough, achievements leaked out last night for a title called Resident Evil Revelations Unveiled Edition. Perhaps Capcom will be bringing this new version to Wii U.

Thanks to Nom for the tip.

Source 1, Source 2

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