Media Create software sales (12/17 – 12/23) – Top 50
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Podcast Stories, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
01./02. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf #
02./00. [PSP] One Piece: Romance Dawn – Bouken no Yoake #
03./00. [PSP] AKB1/149: Love Election #
04./03. [3DS] Paper Mario: Sticker Star
05./00. [PS3] Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2 #
06./06. [3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 #
07./01. [3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go 2: Chrono Stone – Neppuu / Raimei
08./05. [WIU] New Super Mario Bros. U
09./08. [3DS] Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
10./07. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Super Deluxe Edition #
11./00. [PS3] Call of Duty: Black Ops II – Dubbed Edition
12./00. [3DS] Magician’s Quest: Magical Town
13./10. [WIU] Nintendo Land
14./04. [PS3] Yakuza 5 #
15./00. [WII] Inazuma Eleven Go Strikers 2013
16./00. [PSV] AKB1/149: Love Election #
17./14. [3DS] Tousouchuu: Shijou Saikyou no Hunter-Tachi Kara Nigekire!
18./09. [3DS] Toriko: Gourmet Monsters!
19./16. [NDS] Pokèmon Black 2 / White 2
20./21. [3DS] Kobito Zukan: Kobito Kansatsu Set
[Feature] Two People Playin’ Games Beta Episode 1 – Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (TranZit)
Posted on 12 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Features, Podcast Stories, Videos | 0 comments
Warning: Pretty got dang explicit. It’s an ‘M’ rated game after all.
But Austin, what am I about to watch!?
I have quite a history of starting “weekly segments” on NintendoEverything, only to do them for a few weeks and then stop doing them forever after that. I don’t know yet if this is going to be one of those things, but depending on how you guys feel about it we should most definitely see another one next week at least!
But what is it?
Well, “Two People Playin’ Games” is an idea that people have been bugging me about for a while, asking me to do “Let’s Play” videos or walkthrough-esque tutorials of various video games. The thing is, I’m not a huge fan of regular old “Let’s Play”s, and walkthroughs are just long and boring and take all the fun out of playing the game in the first place! So what is my solution?
Think of “Two People Playin’ Games” as a sort of “Let’s Play” for people who don’t have several hours to sit around watching Youtube videos. It’s a collection of moments from a playthrough of a game, strung together as coherently as possible to give you guys and idea of what’s going on, and a reason to keep watching. I think we accomplished that pretty well with this first video, even if it did have its ups and downs! Without too much explanation though, just watch the video. I think it’ll speak for itself.
Ikachan screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, DSiWare, Screenshots | 0 comments
Some sort of big Pokemon news is coming on January 8
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News | 0 comments
Pokemon Black/White 2 have been out in Japan for many months now, but the game is still being promoted during Japanese television programming. A trailer shown for Black/White 2 contains a mysterious teaser, which states that some sort of big news is coming on January 8.
Will it be game related? Just a Wi-Fi event? Something related to a movie? Who knows! If the tease turns out to be a new game reveal, you can be sure that we’ll have the announcement right here on the site.
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Ride to Victory scans
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments
A few Youkai Watch details
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Level-5’s Youkai Watch site update didn’t just bring along new screenshots – there’s new information as well. A roundup of new details can be found below.
– Takes place in Sakura New Town
– Sakura New Town is an ordinary town with schools and convenience stores
– People live alongside youkai and ghouls from Japanese folklore
– Main character Keeta spends his days with his friends
– Fumi: Keeta’s classmate
– Keeta runs into Kanchi (the boy with headphones) in his school’s hallway
– Kuma: leader of the punks
– Keeta can walk into different people’s homes
– Fumi has a cute girl’s room
– Kanchi’s place looks kind of upscale
– Keeta lives at home with his parents and a couple of youkai
– Ghost-like creature Whisper is a youkai butler
– Jibanyan is an earthbound soul that’s Keeta’s friend.
– Old Lady Bakuro stuck with her human face and Kappa is a water-loving youkai
Zen Pinball 2 now targeted for January
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Given that Zen Pinball 2 didn’t land on the Wii U eShop on Thursday, there was no way it’d be released this month. So when will it launch, then?
Developer Zen Studios told one fan on Twitter that the game will be released in January. Let’s just hope there aren’t any further delays.
Youkai Watch screenshots
Posted on 12 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
Level-5 updated the website for its lovely-looking 3DS title, Youkai Watch. Check out the gallery above for new screenshots.