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The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DS LL – 206,973
Wii U – 126,916
3DS – 112,052
PS3 – 42,976
PSP – 33,002
Vita – 14,446
Wii – 10,346
Xbox 360 – 1,760
PS2 – 1,102
DSi – 320
DSi LL – 221

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

Wii U – 308,142
3DS LL – 136,373
3DS – 75,126
PS3 – 36,994
PSP – 19,637
Vita – 11,039
Wii – 6,714
Xbox 360 – 1,216
PS2 – 904
DSi – 245
DSi LL – 179

Capcom has pushed back the release date of Monster Hunter 4. The game, which was initially planned for March, will now be released summer 2013. Capcom said it made the decision to improve Monster Hunter 4’s quality and live up to everyone’s expectations.

It’s been a long wait for Soul Hackers, since this RPG was originally released for the Sega Saturn back in 1997, but it looks like the game will finally be available in English next Spring. Soul Hackers combines the usual dungeon-crawling, demon-fusing gameplay of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise with a heavy cyberpunk influence. Think Ghost in the Shell if it involved actual ghosts.

The game never even recieved a complete fan translation, so it’s great that we’ll be able to play it in English after all these years. And by we I mean those with an North American 3DS. Ghostlight, get in on this!

Much like Dragon Quest IX, the 3DS remake of Dragon Quest VII will contain a sharing component. Players will be able to trade stones with others via StreetPass.

Each stone has a carving and is tied to a Monster Park. As soon as three stones are collected in a set, a monster will show up in a cave to fight. Users will be able to face a variety of different monsters through the described stone system.


During the start of tonight’s Nintendo Direct, Satoru Iwata briefly spoke a bit about issues concerning the Wii U. Even with the latest firmware update, users have still been complaining about system update and program start loading times. Good news: both of these issues will be addressed, Iwata said.

The Nintendo president also talked about Wii U stock availability in Japan. Iwata apologized for shortages surrounding the Wii U Premium Set, but it sounds like consumers will simply need to deal with the situation for now and wait for additional units to arrive.


Update: Some details below.

Looks like a big update is coming to Dragon Quest X. A mini, game-specific DQX Nintendo Direct was just posted showing off version 1.2. There’s also a brief look at the new 3DS download. We’ll bring you translated details as soon as possible.

– Wii U beta starts in February
– Use the voucher from the Premium/Monster Hunter Set
– Registration details to be announced
– Update 1.2 coming in December
– Magic Labyrinth to be added
– Layout changes each time your party enters the labyrinth.
– Party auto-matching = quick starts
– Rare treasure from boss
– New jobs: magic warrior, superstar
– Level limit upped to 60
– Newly-reincarnated monsters
– Mystery item drawings, dress-up
– Carpentry, sewing, item crafting, furniture production introduced
– New home items
– Friend invite campaign through 1/15
– 3DS “Battle While Out” app releasing for 600 yen
– Can earn items for the online game
– Dragon Quest X Wii players can upgrade to the Wii U game at half-price
– Details regarding this will be on the homepage


A group of thieves stole 7,000 Wii U consoles at a warehouse near Seattle’s SeaTac airport. Given that the average price of the system comes in at $300, the robbers made off with roughly $2.1 million in hardware.

Check out the above ABC report for additional details.


SEGA will launch 3D Space Harrier on the Japanese 3DS eShop next week. For 600 yen, the game can be yours. It officially hits the store on December 26.

This updated version of Space Harrier features full 3D visuals, widescreen support, and more.


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