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This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

3DS retail

Pilotwings Resort – £39.99 UK Only

3DS Download

Dress To Play: Cute Witches! – £3.59
PIX3D – £3.59 UK Only)


New Art Academy – £1.79 each

Drawing Birds lesson
Illumination lesson


Spirit Hunters Inc: Shadow -£7.19 / 800 points
Spirit Hunters Inc: Light – £7.19 / 800 points

Wii VC

The King of Fighters ’96 – 900 points

Source: Nintendo PR

Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission will be hitting Japan on February 28, 2012. The game will cost 5,800 yen.

Ultimate Mission features full card lists from sets 1 through GM4, a mission-based mode, and a new opening animation. Those who purchase Dragon Ball Heroes early will receive special cards for the physical game.


If you’re looking for a Wii U this holiday season, you may want to turn your attention to Best Buy. The retailer anticipates having “a constant flow of inventory for the Wii U throughout the holidays”. Having said that, Best Buy believes demand will be high.

A statement from the company reads:

“While we will have a constant flow of inventory for the Wii U throughout the holidays, we expect there to be great demand.”


New Fantasy Life trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

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