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This video is included in a larger feature from Polygon. The technical wizards out there may find some interest in it as it covers the technology inside the GamePad.


Chasing Aurora has been reconfirmed as a Wii U launch title. It will be available on the eShop starting this Sunday.

Developer Broken Rules has announced a price for the game: Chasing Aurora will cost $14.99.

Source: Broken Rules PR

For today and Saturday only, the original Epic Mickey can be purchased from Best Buy for just $8. The game typically hasn’t dropped this low, so if you have any interest, now would be the time to pick it up.

You can place an order here.

Nintendo has sent out a Wii U launch press release that confirms new details about the console.

First, Nintendo TVii won’t be available day-one. The feature won’t be activated until December through a system update.

A YouTube application has now been confirmed for Wii U. It will allow users to “watch YouTube videos and channels through the YouTube application, as well as sign in to their account and control the application with the GamePad.”

Other video on demand services such as Amazon Instant Video and Hulu Plus will be rolled out “in the coming weeks”. Those who have an Internet connection will be notified when each video application is active.

The review scores from the latest issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine have emerged. Verdicts are in for ZombiU, Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition, FIFA 13 (Wii U), Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion, and Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two.

Read on below for the full lineup of scores from ONM:

NSMBU (WiiU) – 86
Paper Mario: SS (3DS) – 83
TTT2: WiiU Edition (WiiU) – 88
FIFA 13 (WiiU) – 80
Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion (3DS) – 60
ZombiU (WiiU) – 92
Virtue’s Last Reward (3DS) – 88
Hana Samurai (3DS eShop) – 80
Epic Mickey: The Power of 2 (Wii) – 80
Liberation Maiden (3DS eShop) – 75
Nintendoland (WiiU) – 90
WWE 13 (Wii) – 78
New Style Boutique (3DS) – 68
Skylanders: Giants (Wii) – 63
Jewel Master: Cradle of Egypt 2 (DS) – 55
Mole Mania (3DS VC) – 70
Mad Dog McCree (3DS eShop) – 15
18th Gate (DSiWare) – 40
Samurai G (3DS eShop) – 38
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3D (3DS) – 51


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