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– Tagline is “Warriors of Eden”
– Three save files
– Fully orchestrated soundtrack, performed by Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra

Via Siliconera

You may be asking yourself “Who is Shu Takumi? Why do I even care?”

If you enjoyed the writing in Capcom’s Ace Attorney series, you should definitely care, because he was a writer for those games. He’ll be making a return appearance in the DLC for November’s Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney release, penning the script and story for one piece of the DLC that will be available post-launch. You need to beat the game before being able to access the DLC.

Via Silconera

Let’s hope this puts an end to all of the nonsense! Of course, there’s still no way to know for SURE what the deal is until SEGA confirms 100% that the game is coming at launch, but I think this is a decent indicator that we shouldn’t see too many problems.

Amazon Listing

Thanks for the tip, Lars!

While we were pretty certain of this prior to today, it’s nice to hear it straight from the publisher themselves: All five pieces of Assassin’s Creed III DLC will make their way to Wii U alongside PS360 when they begin launching later this year. One of them even has you trying to assassinate George Washington because (in an alternate universe) he became evil and was crowned King of America!


Crashmo footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News | 0 comments

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