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The Arc Style series continues on the Japanese eShop. Arc System Works released the latest entry today, Baseball 3D. It’s available for 500 yen.

Arc Style: Baseball 3D contains tournament and exhibition modes, customization, and a local multiplayer offering.

Screenshots from the title have been posted above.

Out of Nintendo’s entire stable of franchises, Hiroyuki Takahashi has said that he’d be most interested in working on Donkey Kong.

The Camelot president told Nintendo Gamer in its July issue that the series “would prove really interesting” since its “games are full of surprises.” He pointed to Donkey Kong 64 specifically in his response.

Speaking of Donkey Kong 64, Takahashi noted that he “would love to make a sequel to it.”

Perhaps this could happen… one day. Camelot does have a pretty close relationship with Nintendo, though the company has mostly stuck to Mario Tennis and Golden Sun titles in recent years.

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Scan the QR code above with your to add Denise Richards to your Mii collection. This does seem random on Nintendo’s part, but I guess there are some folks out there who’d be interested in bringing the actress to their 3DS.

Source, Via

Wondering who’s making Naruto SD Powerful Shippuden? The studio is none other than Inti Creates.

You may know Inti Creates as the developer behind Mega Man 9 and 10. It also made the Mega Man Zero games and Gal*Gun.

New Super Mario Bros. 2 has received its final price point on the North American eShop. It’ll cost $39.99 for the game download.

Using the eShop is one of three possible methods available for New Super Mario Bros. 2 purchases. You can obviously buy a full, boxed version or you can pick up a download code from retailers.

In the end it won’t make sense for a good portion of consumers to purchase the new Mario title directly from the eShop, especially with some of the boxed deals that have been floating around already. Some retailers may decided to discount their download codes at certain points, too.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

4th July 2012 – The Fans have spoken! Four exciting new Kid Icarus: Uprising Battle Squad events have now been confirmed for this summer, following the location vote on the Nintendo 3DS Facebook page. The four additional Battle Squad events will be coming to GAME stores in Cardiff, Plymouth, Edinburgh and Birmingham. Hosted in partnership with IGN (, the UK’s largest games and entertainment website, the events offer Nintendo 3DS fans the chance to win a sensational all-expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for IPL5, the IGN Pro League gaming event – where the world’s greatest gamers battle it out!

Fans should come charged with competitive spirit, ready to take on the Battle Squad’s Pro Gamer to be in with a chance of qualifying for the Grand Final in London. At each event the three challengers to defeat the Pro-Gamer by the largest points margin will go through to the exciting Grand Final which will see expert gamers battle it out to win a once in a lifetime trip to entertainment capital Las Vegas.

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