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Update: And now we do have a price! 6,090 yen it is.

Bravely Default: Flying Fairy finally received an official release date from Square Enix today. The game will be out in Japan on October 11. Pricing information has not yet been announced.

Now we have to start praying for a North American/European version!


Furyu is bringing in some new Japanese talent for UnchainBlades EXXIV.

This week’s Famitsu reveals that Yoshitaka Amano is working on the game. Amano is a Japanese artist who is best known in the video game world as an artist for the Final Fantasy series.

In addition to Amano, popular singer-songwriter Nana Mizuki will perform UnchainBlades EXXIV’s main theme.

UnchainBlades EXXIV has a new release date, by the way. Famitsu says that the game is now expected on November 15 rather than October 18.

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.

Source, Via

The latest issue of Famitsu has an update on Namco Bandai, Capcom, and SEGA’s 3DS fighting crossover, Project X Zone.

Five classic characters have been introduced in the magazine. Flynn Scifo from Tales of Vesperia, Imca from Valkyria Chronicles 3, Devilotte from Cyberbots, Rikiya Busujima from Zombie Revenge, and Arthur from Ghosts’n Goblins will be included on the roster. Original characters Kogoro and Miyori Ouryuuji will also be available.

According to Famitsu, Project X Zone launches in Japan on October 11 for 6,280 yen. We should have new scans/images of the game sometime soon.


The latest Famitsu review scores are in.

Anarchy Reigns (PS3/360) – 9/9/9/9
Etrian Odyssey IV (3DS) – 9/9/9/8
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (PS3/360) – 8/8/9/9
Danball Senki Baku Boost (3DS) – 8/9/8/9
Dokuro (PSV) – 8/9/9/8
Toriko: Gourmet Survival 2 (PSP) – 8/8/8/7
Run for Money Tousouchuu (3DS) – 7/7/7/7

It’s sad to say, but it’s unfortunately true: Ninja Gaiden 3 was one of the worst entries in the franchise. Despite the poor reception, Tecmo Koei and Team Ninja haven’t abandoned their plans to bring a new version of the game – Razor’s Edge – to Wii U.

Based on what’s been said about Razor’s Edge thus far, the mechanics are similar to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions. However, there are new gameplay elements and the overall experience has been “reworked” for Wii U.

Team Ninja’s Yosuke Hayashi has stated that the studio has “listened to the feedback” from the original game and also “reexamined what the series was, what the game was, what people want.” With the Wii U edition, Hayashi said that the title “just tries to be its best”.

According to Hayashi:

“For Razor’s Edge, we listened to the feedback (from Ninja Gaiden 3) and we reexamined what the series was, what the game was, what people want. We’re going back to rethinking what the series means. The concept for the Wii U version of Razor’s Edge is for it to be its own action game, an action game that doesn’t try to be anything else. It just tries to be its best.”

Razor’s Edge must be halfway decent if Nintendo has faith in the product, right? The Big N plans to publish the title when it launches on Wii U.


Posted below is another batch of Castlevania: Lords of Shadows – Mirror of Fate details coming from the latest issue of Nintendo Power. We’ve posted lots of information from the magazine’s article over the past few weeks, but there is a bunch of content that hadn’t been summarized previously.

The latest details have been posted after the break.

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