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Much of the new gaming technology has been drawing lots of comparisons. The Wii U, for instance, has been compared to SmartGlass and the PlayStation 3/Vita combo.

Let’s examine that last point, as Sony Worldwide Studios vice president Scott Rohde recently discussed how the PS3/Vita functionality is superior to what can be found in Wii U.

Rohde explained that the lack of a processor in the GamePad acts as somewhat of a limitation and the PS3/Vita cross-play functionality is an advantage.

According to Rohde:

“Because we have the Vita, I think we can do a lot of special things. And remember, that Wii U tablet doesn’t have a processor in it, so it’s got to be fueled by that box sitting under your TV. We can do some pretty special things that you’ll start to see on the floor this year and you’ll see more over the upcoming months about what you can do when you actually have a processor in the thing that’s in your hand as well.

“And when you start to see how you can cross over between the two platforms – look at two of the titles that are here at E3, PlayStation All-Stars and Sly 4, for example. Both available on Vita and PS3, and there’s some sort of interactivity across the board. Developers are interested in that kind of stuff.”


Nintendo of America vice president of sales and marketing Scott Moffitt has delievered new commentary on all things Nintendo. He discussed why the company won’t be releasing specific Wii U hardware specs, “thinks” that first-party games will run in 1080p, and expressed that core gamers are very important.

We’ve posted the full Q&A below.

When Square Enix and n-Space Heroes of Ruin, the companies promised that the game would feature daily and weekly challenges. The two have already made good on their commitment, as these challenges have been made available starting on June 15.

There are more tasks planned throughout the month, and n-Space is giving European players a sneak peak as to what’s in store. You can find the full list below. And remember: challenges will show up automatically in the Quest log.


We have a couple of extra bits on Kirby’s Dream Collection Special Edition.

First up, the Japanese price. Most Wii games cost 5,800 yen (approximately $74), but the new Kirby collection will cost 3,800 yen (approximately $48). This is a pretty good sign that it’ll cost $40 or less when it arrives in the states.

Along with pricing details, it’s been made clear that players can experience Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards by holding the Wii Remote horizontally. It’s unknown which control scheme(s) the other games will use.


These videos were taken directly from the Wii version of LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. As you can see, it features open-world gameplay much like the other console editions.

3DS eShop charts (6/18/12)

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments


1. Donkey Kong
2. Super Mario Bros.
3. Bird Mania 3D
4. Colors! 3D
5. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
6. Art of Balance TOUCH!
7. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
8. Cut The Rope
9. Pushmo
10. 3D Classics: Kid Icarus
11. 3D Classics: Kirby’s Adventure
12. Plants vs. Zombies
13. Photo Dojo
14. Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive!
15. Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble
16. Super Mario Land
17. Game & Watch Gallery 2
18. Brain Age Express: Sudoku
19. Inchworm Animation
20. GO Series 10 Second Run


1. New Super Mario Bros. U Trailer
2. LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Video
3. Kingdom Hearts 3D Trailer
4. Nintendo Direct: June 3, 2012
5. Nintendo Show 3D: May 31, 2012
6. Nintendo All-Access Day 1 Update
7. Rayman Legends Trailer
8. E3 Presentation
9. Pikmin 3 Trailer
10. ZombiU Trailer
11. Scribblenauts Unlimited Trailer
12. Batman Arkham City: Armored Edition Trailer
13. Transformers Prime: The Game Trailer
14. Heroes of Ruin Trailer
15. Wii U GamePad Overview
16. Just Dance 4 Trailer
17. LEGO City: Undercover Trailer
18. Assassin’s Creed III Trailer
19. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate Trailer
20. Art of Balance TOUCH! Video

Source: 3DS eShop

We’ve seen the Nintendo community accomplish amazing things with the Wii hardware and some of its games. The latest fan effort focuses on Super Mario Galaxy 2, which has been a given Mario and Luigi split-screen co-op mod through game patcher Riivolution.

The video above emphasizes that the project is still very much a work in progress. Even with the kinks, though, this is pretty impressive.

While the mod isn’t available to the public yet, it should be up for download sometime in the future.


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