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This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop
Art of Balance TOUCH! – Grab your stylus and build a balanced stack in this physics-based puzzler. Enjoy 200 levels that not only challenge your skills but also spark your imagination. Art of Balance TOUCH! is easy to pick up but hard to put away. (For Nintendo 3DS™)

LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes (demo version) – Face off against the Joker and his fellow villains as you explore this game’s opening level. Test new gadgets and hear LEGO mini-figures talk for the first time ever in a LEGO game. (For Nintendo 3DS)

If a Ubisoft developer is to be believed, Wii U will arrive this November.

GameXplain interviewed engine architect for Rayman Legends David Martinez, who eventually said the console would be out in November. I’ve personally been banking on a November launch for some time now (remember Wii and DS?), but this information has not been confirmed by Nintendo.

You can listen to the release date discussion (although it isn’t much really) at 5:50 in the video above.


Darksiders II footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

North American 3DS owners may have noticed that a new person has arrived in the StreetPass Mii Plaza today. Through SpotPass, Nintendo has sent out a Mii of Scott Moffitt, Sales & Marketing Executive Vice President for NOA.

Additionally, the following notification was delivered:

Greetings from E3 2012!

A surprise visitor from Nintendo is waiting to greet you in StreetPass Mii Plaza. Check it out by selecting “Launch Software” on the Touch Screen below. For E3 news, videos, and information, go to or visit the Nintendo eShop.

You can find photos of Moffitt’s Mii in the gallery above.

Ubisoft’s intriguing new IP “Watch Dogs” will be released on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Senior vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key confirmed the news to IGN.

There currently aren’t any plans to bring the game to Wii U, but Key didn’t rule out the possibility completely.

Key said:

“Not at this time. We have so many titles in development for Wii U right now that we need to keep that team focused and this is a very very ambitious game. But it’s not out of the question.”


One of Ubisoft’s more interesting Wii U titles is ZombiU, which just so happens to be an exclusive for the system. However, vice president of sales and marketing Tony Key says that it could wind up on other platforms – just don’t count on it happening anytime soon.

Key said the following about the possibility of porting ZombiU to additional systems:

“ZombiU at its core was designed to be a great Wii U game and in order to make that work on other platforms they would have to change a lot of what makes the game cool. And I’m not saying that can’t be done, but not in the next six months, you know?”

Key later revealed that Ubisoft considered bringing the Wii IP Red Steel to different consoles:

“We’ve done this before. When we launched the Wii we had a game called Red Steel that was exclusive to the Wii and it was designed for the Wii. We talked about bringing that to other platforms, and we always kept coming back to ‘what makes the game cool isn’t what would make it cool on those other systems.’ The brand itself we generally try to exploit everywhere we can, but I think for now it’s going to be a really, really good Wii U game.”


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