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GamesTM 122 review scores

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

The latest GamesTM review scores are as follows:

Dragon’s Dogma – 8
Pandora’s Tower – 7
Rhythm Thief & the Emperor’s Treasure – 6
Skullgirls – 7
Diabolical Pitch – 4
Wrecked Revenge Revisited – 4
Kinect Star Wars – 4
Fez – 9
Trial Evolution – 8
Crash Time IV – 3
Chaos Rings III – 6
Sniper Elite V2 – 7
Awesomenauts – 6

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

The Indie Game Magazine reports that Cloudberry Kingdom is in development for Wii U. The game will be released on the console in December, presumably through the console’s equivalent to the 3DS eShop. It’ll also be heading to Steam in September.

You can take a look at Coudberry Kingdom in action in the video above.


A couple of signs have hinted at an upcoming LEGO Lord of the Rings game announcement.

UK retailer ShopTo listed the title, though it has since been pulled. You can find a cached version of the page here.

Review versions of upcoming LEGO Lord of the Rings toys have made their way to some members of the media, and there’s apparently some packaging confirming a video game made by series developer Traveller’s Tales.

The LEGO Lord of the Rings title will arrive in October if ShopTo’s listing is accurate.

Source, Via

What’s this? An actual new, Wii U game announcement? Yes, it’s true!

Ubisoft Quebec is readying “Avengers: Battle for the Earth” for Wii U and Kinect. A domain name for the title was discovered just a few days ago.

Characters such as Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk, and Thor will be included. Over 20 characters are being added to the game’s roster.

Avengers: Battle for Earth won’t be related to the recent movie. It’s actually based on the “Secret Invasion” comic series.

Tony Key, Ubisoft’s vice president of sales and marketing, said:

“The idea that we’re making a motion-control version of ‘The Avengers’ is a unique proposition if you compare that to superhero games of the past. This is the perfect type of game for that because these characters are very action oriented. They’re always fighting and throwing things.”

Ubisoft hasn’t provided a release date, but it’s expected to ship after the Wii U arrives.


This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo Video™
Dinosaur Office: Office Party (available May 11 at 6 a.m. PT) – When the office throws an after-work party to celebrate a productive quarter, Craig finds himself in the middle of a dinosaur cat fight. (For Nintendo 3DS™)

Nintendo eShop
Sudoku by Nikoli – Enjoy 50 high-quality sudoku puzzles created by Nikoli, who gave the world-famous puzzle its name. (For Nintendo 3DS)

Two of Nintendo’s top-selling video game systems are getting attractive new prices. Effective May 20, the suggested retail price for the larger Nintendo DSi XL will be $129.99 and the suggested retail price for Nintendo DSi will be $99.99.

Both the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL systems come pre-loaded with a variety of fun software, including Flipnote Studio, Nintendo DSi Camera and Nintendo DSi Sound. Nintendo DSi XL comes with additional pre-installed games and applications, including Brain Age Express: Arts & Letters, Brain Age Express: Math and Photo Clock.

Finally, a real look at Fire Emblem: Awakening in video form…

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