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Nintendo Everything reader Lolo has provided a full listing of Mario Tennis Open’s character roster, including the “hidden” characters (some of which we knew about before). You can find the full list below.

Downtown Nekketsu March: The Great Portable Athletic Meet will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Game Boy download on May 16 for 400 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


Masahiro Sakurai along with the staff at Project Sora managed to successfully revive the once-dormant franchise, Kid Icarus. Uprising has been selling well around the world, and let’s not forget that it’s an incredible game.

Even with the game’s warm reception, Sakurai told IGN that he has no plans for a sequel.

He explained:

Nintendo isn’t the only company not attending Gamescom 2012. SEGA will be a no-show, too.

SEGA said it “was simply a commercial decision” in explaining its absence.

The company said in a statement:

“Sega has made the decision not to attend Gamescom this year. Gamescom 2011 was a very successful show for us and continues to be the most important European event in the calendar.

“Unfortunately the release timing of our 2012 AAA titles and new projects don’t work with the mid- August scheduling of the show. The decision will not mean that Sega will never attend Gamescom in the future, this was simply a commercial decision made for 2012.”


Sonic Labyrinth will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Game Gear download on May 16 for 300 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


Activision Blizzard’s first quarter 2012 financial report is in, and it isn’t too shabby. They have announced “better-than-expected” results.

The company’s net revenues were $1.17 billion. Last year, this figure was at $1.45 billion. Net revenues from digital channels have taken up 27% of Activision Blizzard’s total revenues for the quarter ending March 31, 2012.

Selected business highlights include:

In a blog post detailing Timbletot’s inclusion in Bit.Trip Runner 2, Gaijin Games included one tidbit that we can only assume is a tease for Wii U.

Mike Roush wrote the following to close out his update:

“Wii have a few fun little updates coming for U, so keep your EYES out!!!”

Gaijin Games has hinted at a Wii U version of Bit.Trip Runner 2 many times before. The company may finally be able to announce something for the console during E3, which will take place in less than a month.

Timbletot originally appeared in the first Bit.Trip Runner title as a boss. You can find a two pieces of enemy art here.


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